diff --git a/HKMP/Game/Client/ClientManager.cs b/HKMP/Game/Client/ClientManager.cs
index 48dbc10..28fe1be 100644
--- a/HKMP/Game/Client/ClientManager.cs
+++ b/HKMP/Game/Client/ClientManager.cs
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ ModSettings modSettings
new PauseManager(netClient).RegisterHooks();
- new GamePatcher().RegisterHooks();
+ new GamePatcher(netClient).RegisterHooks();
new FsmPatcher().RegisterHooks();
_commandManager = new ClientCommandManager();
diff --git a/HKMP/Game/Client/GamePatcher.cs b/HKMP/Game/Client/GamePatcher.cs
index d592825..793293c 100644
--- a/HKMP/Game/Client/GamePatcher.cs
+++ b/HKMP/Game/Client/GamePatcher.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Reflection;
+using GlobalEnums;
+using Hkmp.Networking.Client;
using Modding;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using MonoMod.Cil;
@@ -19,10 +21,19 @@ internal class GamePatcher {
private const BindingFlags BindingFlags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance;
+ ///
+ /// The NetClient instance to check if we are connected to a server.
+ ///
+ private readonly NetClient _netClient;
/// The IL Hook for the bridge lever method.
private ILHook _bridgeLeverIlHook;
+ public GamePatcher(NetClient netClient) {
+ _netClient = netClient;
+ }
/// Register the hooks.
@@ -41,6 +52,8 @@ public void RegisterHooks() {
_bridgeLeverIlHook = new ILHook(type.GetMethod("MoveNext", BindingFlags), BridgeLeverOnOpenBridge);
On.HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions.CallMethodProper.DoMethodCall += CallMethodProperOnDoMethodCall;
+ IL.CameraLockArea.IsInApplicableGameState += CameraLockAreaOnIsInApplicableGameState;
@@ -58,6 +71,8 @@ public void DeregisterHooks() {
On.HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions.CallMethodProper.DoMethodCall -= CallMethodProperOnDoMethodCall;
+ IL.CameraLockArea.IsInApplicableGameState -= CameraLockAreaOnIsInApplicableGameState;
@@ -473,4 +488,66 @@ HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions.CallMethodProper self
+ ///
+ /// IL Hook for the 'IsInApplicableGameState' method in 'CameraLockArea'. This is used to add a check
+ /// for being in the pause menu and connected to a server. Otherwise, the camera will sometimes not lock while
+ /// in the pause menu during host transfers.
+ ///
+ private void CameraLockAreaOnIsInApplicableGameState(ILContext il) {
+ try {
+ // Create a cursor for this context
+ var c = new ILCursor(il);
+ // Goto after the first 'gameState' check in the method
+ // IL_0011: ldloc.0 // unsafeInstance
+ // IL_0012: ldfld valuetype GlobalEnums.GameState GameManager::gameState
+ // IL_0017: ldc.i4.4
+ // IL_0018: beq.s IL_0024
+ c.GotoNext(
+ MoveType.After,
+ i => i.MatchLdloc(0),
+ i => i.MatchLdfld(typeof(global::GameManager), "gameState"),
+ i => i.MatchLdcI4(4),
+ i => i.MatchBeq(out _)
+ );
+ // Define a label for branching to if the conditions fail
+ var afterChecksLabel = c.DefineLabel();
+ // Load GameManager 'unsafeInstance' onto evaluation stack
+ c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 0);
+ // Check if the game state is paused and push a boolean onto the stack based on the result
+ c.EmitDelegate>(gm => gm.gameState == GameState.PAUSED);
+ // If the game state is not paused, we branch to the last check in the method
+ c.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, afterChecksLabel);
+ // Check if the NetClient is connected and push a boolean onto the stack based on the result
+ c.EmitDelegate(() => _netClient.IsConnected);
+ // If we are not connected, we branch to the last check in the method
+ c.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, afterChecksLabel);
+ var returnTrueLabel = c.DefineLabel();
+ // If the previous two checks succeeded, we branch to the return true label
+ c.Emit(OpCodes.Br, returnTrueLabel);
+ // Mark the label after our new checks but before the last check of the method
+ c.MarkLabel(afterChecksLabel);
+ // Goto before the 'return true' IL so we can branch here if our checks succeed
+ // IL_0024: ldc.i4.1
+ // IL_0025: ret
+ c.GotoNext(
+ MoveType.Before,
+ i => i.MatchLdcI4(1),
+ i => i.MatchRet()
+ );
+ // Mark the label for return true here
+ c.MarkLabel(returnTrueLabel);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Logger.Error($"Could not change CameraLockArea#IsInApplicableGameState IL: \n{e}");
+ }
+ }