- Menubar with:
- Selectable Region
- Selectable AWS account – requires ability for mutliple config files server side
- Show clusters as tabbed view with one cluster per tab
- Show an exploded view of task with more details when hovering over tasks:
- Show containers within tasks
- Show memory breakdown across containers
- Sliding timebar to see historical data for comparison (like google street view)
- Show container actual memory utilisation vs reserved memory utilisation
- Provide access to more troubleshooting information (such as docker logs, ECS logs)
- Add footer with fetched/expiry timestamp, #instances/services/tasks, Average CPU/Memory Reservation
- Write a plugin system that lets adopters plugin their own statistics from favourite monitoring tool
- Pluggable backend system that could support other public or private cloud providers
- Return instances with FETCHED_INSTANCES FetchStatus to allow client to draw instances outline until tasks retrieved asynchronously
- Arrow functions: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Arrow_functions
- Capture ECS JSON responses for testing and replay with mock AWS ECS server
- https://fbflex.wordpress.com/2013/11/18/mocking-out-amazon-aws-sdk-with-the-betamax-recording-proxy-for-testing/