- Data processors: Black box
- Programmable data processors Program: A set of instructions telling the computer what to do.
- Universal turing mechine Provide approriciate program with any commputer, the computer can do any computation.
- Four subsystem: memory, arithmetic logic unit, control unit, I/O Control unit: controls the operations of the memory, ALU I/O.
- the stored program concept: Binary patterns in memory.
- Program: Made of a squential finite number of instructions.
- Hardware: Four components under Von Neumann Model.
- Data: Computer is a data processing mechine.
- storing data: eletric signals’ presense and absence presentated by binary patterns
- organizing data: units more than binary pattern.
- Software:
- Program storing: For reusablity.
- Algorithms: How to consist instructions to be a approriciate program for sloving different problem.
- Languages: Symbols and words to repersent binary.
- Software Engineering: Structured programs.
- operating systems: A serials of common used instructions works as manager to facilitate access to the computer’s componets by programs.
Position a Symbol occupies in the number determines the value.
- Decimal System
- Binary Digits(bits)
- Hexadecimal System(base 16)
- Octal System(base 8)
- Conversion
- Engineering program: processes number with arithmetic logic operations.
- Word Processing program: processes text as some kind of information.
- Bit Pattern: A squence of binary digits number.
: eight digits binary number.Word
: a longer bit pattern.
- Integers
- Fixed-point representation
- Unsigned Representation
no negative number, theoretical range could be between 0 to
positive infinity, but actually there is a maximum unsigned
: Drops the leftmost bit and keeps the rightside bits to fit the maximum bits.- Applications: Counter, Addressing, other types of data rather than number, which can be transformed into unsigned number.
- Sign&Magnitude Representation
The available range for unsigned intergers is devide into two
equal subranges, the first half ranges represents positive
intergers, and the last range represents negative intergers.
The leftmost bit is dedicate to store the sign which represents
positive(+) or negative(-).
in Sign&Magnitude represent: the positive number will change the bit which represent positive or negative(if not large than two times as the subrange for positive intergers) the negative number will drops the leftmost bits, and may change the sign.- Applications: Part of real number, quantize an analog sign.
- Two’s complement representation