Generates an interactive form from a FeatureFormDefinition.
- Supports interactive editing of Features through text, checkboxes, comboboxes, switches etc.
FeatureFormView displays a feature from using an underlying FeatureForm
The following code shows how to get a Feature
and its FeatureFormDefinition
from an identify result:
private ArcGISFeature? GetFeature(IEnumerable<IdentifyLayerResult> results, out FeatureFormDefinition? definition)
def = null;
if (results == null)
return null;
foreach (var result in results.Where(r => r.LayerContent is FeatureLayer layer && (layer.FeatureFormDefinition is not null || (layer.FeatureTable as ArcGISFeatureTable)?.FeatureFormDefinition is not null)))
var feature = result.GeoElements?.OfType<ArcGISFeature>()?.FirstOrDefault();
def = (result.LayerContent as FeatureLayer)?.FeatureFormDefinition ?? ((result.LayerContent as FeatureLayer)?.FeatureTable as ArcGISFeatureTable)?.FeatureFormDefinition;
if (feature != null && def != null)
return feature;
return null;
The following code shows how to get a FeatureForm
from a FeatureFormDefinition
and an ArcGISFeature
var featureForm = new FeatureForm(feature, definition);
To display a FeatureForm
in the UI:
<esri:FeatureFormView x:Name="featureFormView" />
To present a FeatureForm
in a FeatureFormView
featureFormView.FeatureForm = featureForm;
To apply the edits, you can make your own buttons and allow users to submit or discard edits.
<Button Content="Discard" Click="DiscardButton_Click" />
<Button Content="Apply" Click="ApplyButton_Click" IsEnabled="{Binding IsValid, ElementName=featureFormView}" />
private void DiscardButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var result = MessageBox.Show("Discard edits?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);
if(result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
private async void ApplyButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Collect all errors to display to the user (If you disable the button with the above 'IsValid' binding expression this step isn't necessary)
// Note that often you'll still be able to apply edits ignoring the feature form's set of rules, as long as those rules don't violate the underlying table schema.
var errors = await formViewer.FeatureForm.EvaluateExpressionsAsync(); //Ensure all expressions are fully evaluated.
var errorList = formViewer.FeatureForm.Elements.OfType<FieldFormElement>().SelectMany(s => s.ValidationErrors).Concat(errors);
if (errorList.Any())
MessageBox.Show("Form has errors:\n" + string.Join("\n", errorList.Select(e => e.Message)), "Can't apply");
await formViewer.FeatureForm.Feature.FeatureTable.UpdateFeatureAsync(formViewer.FeatureForm.Feature);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Failed to apply edits:\n" + ex.Message, "Error");