Welcome to the wonderful world of ESP32 debugging. A supposedly simple process that has caused me to lose too many hours of sleep...
The official guide (which may or may not work for you): https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/plus/debug-tools/esp-prog.html
You will need...
- ESP32 DevkitC (or something similar):
- ESP Prog:
- Some jumpers
- One (or two) USBs
Installing Drivers
- Connect the ESP Prog to your computer
- Install FTDI driver (use the executable on the right!): https://ftdichip.com/drivers/vcp-drivers/
- Zadig: https://zadig.akeo.ie/
- Run
- Options->List All Devices
- Dropdown: select "Dual RS232-HS (Interface 0)"
This programmer runs two serial interfaces (one for debug, one for programming). Have to select which one we are using for programming. This is interface 0 on ESP Prog and ESP Dev Kit. - Driver: WinUSB (v...)
- Click "Replace Driver"
- Disconnect and reconnect
- In Device Manager, should see one device under COM ports and another under "Universal Serial Bus devices".
-> If this is not the case, need to repeat the zadig steps
If using for just debugging:
If using for programming and debugging:
NOTE: On the normal dev board, there is a resistor (R17) connecting the onboard serial programmer to serial 0 on the ESP32. This has to be removed for serial programming from the ESP Prog to work.
-> If you do not care to do this, you will have to upload through USB to the device like normal. Everything should mostly be the same, just need two USB cables.
-> Also, if doing this, DO NOT connect the 3.3V from programmer -> ESP32.
ESP Dev Kit schematic: https://dl.espressif.com/dl/schematics/esp32_devkitc_v4-sch-20180607a.pdf
PlatformIO Setup
platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev
framework = arduino
upload_port = COM6
monitor_port = COM6
debug_tool = esp-prog
;upload_protocol = esp-prog ;This may be a thing when uploading using the ESP Prog for programming
monitor_speed = 115200
To do the debugging:
- Left bar -> debugging tab
- Click the green triangle with "PIO Debug" next to it
NOTE: there is sometimes a stupidity where it "fails to find the task". If this happens, have to run "build". Don't have to let it finish, can cancel immediately. - Go to "DEBUG CONSOLE" tab in console area
- Add some breakpoints, add some watches, etc.
To view serial while debugging: should be able to click the "Open Serial" icon on the bottom bar (the plugin looking thing).