- initial release
- automated tests and coverage
- presets feature including: title, dataset_slug, tag_string_autocomplete, dataset_organization, resource_url_upload, resource_format_autocomplete, select presets
- first stable release
- working group/org customization
- new presets: multiple_checkbox, multiple_select, date
- support for yaml schemas+presets
- lots of fixes
- automated tests against ckan 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6
- json_object field preset for arbitrary JSON objects as values
- datetime and datetime_tz field presets for date+time validation
- display_snippet=null to hide fields from being displayed
- choices_helper option to use a helper function for custom choice lists
- scheming_datastore_choices helper for pulling choice lists from a DataStore table
- select_size option to customize select form snippet
- sorted_choices option to sort choices before displaying them
- automatic reloading on schema changes in development mode
- improved test coverage and lots of fixes