A CLI tool which boosts AWS SSO sessions and profiles management.
Rust and Cargo are required to install AWS SSO Booster
cargo install --git https://github.com/Eraz1997/awsb
# Show available commands and print help message
awsb --help
awsb <COMMAND> <SUBCOMMAND> --help
awsb <COMMAND> --help
# Set profile as current
awsb use <PROFILE_NAME>
# Manage SSO providers
awsb providers add --name <NAME> --region <REGION> --url <URL>
awsb providers list
awsb providers get <NAME>
awsb providers remove <NAME>
awsb providers sign-in
# Manage profiles
awsb profiles add --name <NAME> --provider <PROVIDER> --account-id <ACCOUNT_ID> --role <ROLE>
awsb profiles list
awsb profiles get <NAME>
awsb profiles remove <NAME>
# Get AWS access environment variables
awsb print-env-vars
awsb copy-env-vars