diff --git a/.github/workflows/CI.yml b/.github/workflows/CI.yml
index 0f47a044b6..c1bd30fe7e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/CI.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/CI.yml
@@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ jobs:
           - ubuntu-latest
           - DynamicExpressions
+          - Bijectors
       - uses: actions/checkout@v4
       - uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v2
@@ -273,8 +274,8 @@ jobs:
       - uses: julia-actions/julia-buildpkg@v1
       - name: "Run tests"
         run: |
-            julia --color=yes --project=test/integration -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop([PackageSpec(; path) for path in (".", "lib/EnzymeCore")]); Pkg.instantiate()'
-            julia --color=yes --project=test/integration --threads=auto --check-bounds=yes test/integration/${{ matrix.test }}.jl
+            julia --color=yes --project=test/integration/${{ matrix.test }} -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop([PackageSpec(; path) for path in (".", "lib/EnzymeCore")]); Pkg.instantiate()'
+            julia --color=yes --project=test/integration/${{ matrix.test }} --threads=auto --check-bounds=yes test/integration/${{ matrix.test }}/runtests.jl
         shell: bash
     name: Documentation
diff --git a/test/integration/Bijectors/Project.toml b/test/integration/Bijectors/Project.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b8c2f46c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/Bijectors/Project.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Bijectors = "76274a88-744f-5084-9051-94815aaf08c4"
+FiniteDifferences = "26cc04aa-876d-5657-8c51-4c34ba976000"
+StableRNGs = "860ef19b-820b-49d6-a774-d7a799459cd3"
+Bijectors = "=0.13.16"
+FiniteDifferences = "0.12.32"
+StableRNGs = "1.0.2"
diff --git a/test/integration/Bijectors/runtests.jl b/test/integration/Bijectors/runtests.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23e6136561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/Bijectors/runtests.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+module BijectorsIntegrationTests
+using Bijectors: Bijectors
+using Enzyme: Enzyme
+using FiniteDifferences: FiniteDifferences
+using LinearAlgebra: LinearAlgebra
+using Random: randn
+using StableRNGs: StableRNG
+using Test: @test, @test_broken, @testset
+rng = StableRNG(23)
+Enum type for choosing Enzyme autodiff modes.
+@enum ModeSelector Neither Forward Reverse Both
+Type for specifying a test case for `Enzyme.gradient`.
+The test will check the accuracy of the gradient of `func` at `value` against `finitediff`,
+with both forward and reverse mode autodiff. `name` is for diagnostic printing.
+`runtime_activity`, `broken`, `skip` are for specifying whether to use
+`Enzyme.set_runtime_activity` or not, whether the test is broken, and whether the test is so
+broken we can't even run `@test_broken` on it (because it crashes Julia). All of them take
+values `Neither`, `Forward`, `Reverse` or `Both`, to specify which mode to apply the setting
+to. `splat` is for specifying whether to call the function as `func(value)` or as
+Default values are `name=nothing`, `runtime_activity=Neither`, `broken=Neither`,
+`skip=Neither`, and `splat=false`.
+struct TestCase
+    func::Function
+    value
+    name::Union{String, Nothing}
+    runtime_activity::ModeSelector
+    broken::ModeSelector
+    skip::ModeSelector
+    splat::Bool
+# Default values for most arguments.
+function TestCase(
+    f, value;
+    name=nothing, runtime_activity=Neither, broken=Neither, skip=Neither, splat=false
+    return TestCase(f, value, name, runtime_activity, broken, skip, splat)
+Test Enzyme.gradient, both Forward and Reverse mode, against FiniteDifferences.grad.
+function test_grad(case::TestCase; rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6)
+    @nospecialize
+    f = case.func
+    # We'll call the function as f(x...), so wrap in a singleton tuple if need be.
+    x = case.splat ? case.value : (case.value,)
+    finitediff = FiniteDifferences.grad(FiniteDifferences.central_fdm(4, 1), f, x...)[1]
+    f_mode = if (case.runtime_activity === Both || case.runtime_activity === Forward)
+        Enzyme.set_runtime_activity(Enzyme.Forward)
+    else
+        Enzyme.Forward
+    end
+    r_mode = if (case.runtime_activity === Both || case.runtime_activity === Reverse)
+        Enzyme.set_runtime_activity(Enzyme.Reverse)
+    else
+        Enzyme.Reverse
+    end
+    if !(case.skip === Forward) && !(case.skip === Both)
+        if case.broken === Both || case.broken === Forward
+            @test_broken(
+                Enzyme.gradient(f_mode, Enzyme.Const(f), x...)[1] ≈ finitediff,
+                rtol = rtol,
+                atol = atol,
+            )
+        else
+            @test(
+                Enzyme.gradient(f_mode, Enzyme.Const(f), x...)[1] ≈ finitediff,
+                rtol = rtol,
+                atol = atol,
+            )
+        end
+    end
+    if !(case.skip === Reverse) && !(case.skip === Both)
+        if case.broken === Both || case.broken === Reverse
+            @test_broken(
+                Enzyme.gradient(r_mode, Enzyme.Const(f), x...)[1] ≈ finitediff,
+                rtol = rtol,
+                atol = atol,
+            )
+        else
+            @test(
+                Enzyme.gradient(r_mode, Enzyme.Const(f), x...)[1] ≈ finitediff,
+                rtol = rtol,
+                atol = atol,
+            )
+        end
+    end
+    return nothing
+A helper function that returns a TestCase that evaluates sum(bijector(inverse(bijector)(x)))
+function sum_b_binv_test_case(
+    bijector, dim; runtime_activity=Neither, name=nothing, broken=Neither, skip=Neither
+    if name === nothing
+        name = string(bijector)
+    end
+    b_inv = Bijectors.inverse(bijector)
+    return TestCase(
+        x -> sum(bijector(b_inv(x))),
+        randn(rng, dim);
+        runtime_activity=runtime_activity, name=name, broken=broken, skip=skip
+    )
+@testset "Bijectors integration tests" begin
+    test_cases = TestCase[
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.VecCorrBijector(), 3),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.VecCorrBijector(), 0),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.CorrBijector(), (3, 3)),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.CorrBijector(), (0, 0)),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.VecCholeskyBijector(:L), 3),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.VecCholeskyBijector(:L), 0),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.VecCholeskyBijector(:U), 3),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.VecCholeskyBijector(:U), 0),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.Coupling(Bijectors.Shift, Bijectors.PartitionMask(3, [1], [2])), 3),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.InvertibleBatchNorm(3), (3, 3)),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.LeakyReLU(0.2), 3),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.Logit(0.1, 0.3), 3),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.PDBijector(), (3, 3)),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.PDVecBijector(), 3),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(
+            Bijectors.Permute([
+                0 1 0;
+                1 0 0;
+                0 0 1
+            ]),
+            (3, 3),
+        ),
+        # TODO(mhauru) Both modes broken because of
+        # https://github.com/EnzymeAD/Enzyme.jl/issues/2035
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.PlanarLayer(3), (3, 3); broken=Both),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.RadialLayer(3), 3),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.Reshape((2, 3), (3, 2)), (2, 3)),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.Scale(0.2), 3),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.Shift(-0.4), 3),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.SignFlip(), 3),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.SimplexBijector(), 3),
+        sum_b_binv_test_case(Bijectors.TruncatedBijector(-0.2, 0.5), 3),
+        # Below, some test cases that don't fit the sum_b_binv_test_case mold.
+        TestCase(
+            function (x)
+                b = Bijectors.RationalQuadraticSpline([-0.2, 0.1, 0.5], [-0.3, 0.3, 0.9], [1.0, 0.2, 1.0])
+                binv = Bijectors.inverse(b)
+                return sum(binv(b(x)))
+            end,
+            randn(rng);
+            name="RationalQuadraticSpline on scalar",
+        ),
+        TestCase(
+            function (x)
+                b = Bijectors.OrderedBijector()
+                binv = Bijectors.inverse(b)
+                return sum(binv(b(x)))
+            end,
+            randn(rng, 7);
+            name="OrderedBijector",
+        ),
+        TestCase(
+            function (x)
+                layer = Bijectors.PlanarLayer(x[1:2], x[3:4], x[5:5])
+                flow = Bijectors.transformed(Bijectors.MvNormal(zeros(2), LinearAlgebra.I), layer)
+                x = x[6:7]
+                return Bijectors.logpdf(flow.dist, x) - Bijectors.logabsdetjac(flow.transform, x)
+            end,
+            randn(rng, 7);
+            name="PlanarLayer7",
+        ),
+        TestCase(
+            function (x)
+                layer = Bijectors.PlanarLayer(x[1:2], x[3:4], x[5:5])
+                flow = Bijectors.transformed(Bijectors.MvNormal(zeros(2), LinearAlgebra.I), layer)
+                x = reshape(x[6:end], 2, :)
+                return sum(Bijectors.logpdf(flow.dist, x) - Bijectors.logabsdetjac(flow.transform, x))
+            end,
+            randn(rng, 11);
+            name="PlanarLayer11",
+        ),
+    ]
+    @testset "$(case.name)" for case in test_cases
+        test_grad(case)
+    end
diff --git a/test/integration/Project.toml b/test/integration/DynamicExpressions/Project.toml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/integration/Project.toml
rename to test/integration/DynamicExpressions/Project.toml
diff --git a/test/integration/DynamicExpressions.jl b/test/integration/DynamicExpressions/runtests.jl
similarity index 100%
rename from test/integration/DynamicExpressions.jl
rename to test/integration/DynamicExpressions/runtests.jl