Download Azure Cli
Open cmd/powershell/terminal and Login to Azure with
az login
- Use the Azure GUI to create a new Azure Container Registry (CR).
- After having been logged in to azure log in to the CR run:
az acr login --name <acrname>
This should update the docker.config file itself so you can use docker command on the registry without logging in to docker for the next 3 hours.
- If for whatever reason it doesnt work or you want to remain logged in for long without relogging in to acr, you can login like this:
docker login <acrname>
When prompted for username and password use one of this two ways to authenticate
First way
Go to the created resource
Settings > Access Keys > Check Admin user box ✓
User username and password provided there
Second way
az acr login --name <acrname> --expose-token
Use username: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Password: <accessToken returned created from --expose-token>
The images must be properly tagged in order to be recognized by the push commands.
- For single image do
docker tag <your_image> <acrname><your_image>
- For a docker compose file change the image property of each container to
- image <acrname><your_image>
FOLLOW THE NAMING CONVENTION, lowercase alphanumerics and hyphen(-) ... DO NOT USE "_" in the container name or it might not run later. IMAGE name is not relevant, only the service name
docker push <acrname><your_image>
Go to the correct directory where the docker-compose.yaml file is and
docker-compose push
Through the Azure CLI create a Web App under App-Services. Choose Docker-Container for "Veröfentlichen" and under the Docker Tab select Docker Compose, Azure Container Registry and upload the docker-compose.yaml file. If you want to use the cli see here. Keep in mind that there is a limit on the size of the docker-compose file of 4000 characters when converted to Base64. (Aprox 1000 normal characters)
Create a new docker aci context Switch to the context Do the "docker-compose up" command Limitations: Port mapping is not supported, meaning the ports must be identical Services on the docker compose file must follow the convention above.
Create a yaml deployment file Check the resourse limitations