We recommend hosting the server on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, but you can use hosting service that supports Jar files.
- First go to Releases and download the latest .jar file
- Upload the .jar file to your service of choice.
- Create a client application
- You will need the following environment variables
Name | Value |
DEBUG | true or false |
DATABASE_DRIVER | Based on your database type. For postgresql use org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource |
DB_USER | Database user name |
DB_PASSWORD | Database user password |
DATABASE_NAME | Name of the database |
DATABASE_PORT | Port of the database |
DATABASE_SERVER | Server url of the database |
PORT | Port that the server will attach to |
SECRET_KEY | Key used to generate user passwords |
DOCTOR_URL | Url for Doctor Server |
SESSION_SIGN_KEY | Key used to sign user session cookies |
SESSION_ENCRYPT_KEY | Key used to encrypt user session cookies |
REDIS_URL | Url of the redis cluster instance. |
REDIS_PORT | Port of the redis cluster instance. This isn't needed for AWS but is needed for local environments |
EDX_API_URL | Base url of your edx instance (ex: https://edx.org/) |
EDX_API_CLIENT_ID | Client Id for edx app |
EDX_API_CLIENT_SECRET | Client secret for the edx app |
EDX_API_CLIENT_UN | username of the user account the client app is on |
OPEN_AI_KEY | Optional key to support AI generated assignments |
OPEN_AI_ORG_KEY | Optional org key to support AI generated assignments |
OPEN_AI_MODEL | Optional AI model to be specified to support AI generated assignments (gpt-3.5-turbo-16k) |
- Ensure you have the database created before you first run the server
- Ensure you created a Redis Cluster instance.
- Manually insert an admin user into users table of the database. Be sure to account for the password hash
- Run the coppin server!
You should be able to login to Coppin and begin making assignments.