The icon for this module is a barrier.
When disabled this module does nothing on player death.
This module requires the following configuration regardless of actions chosen:
action: BAN+KICK
message: RIP
delay seconds: 20
- the actions to take, separated by +
look below for more information
- the message to send to the player after the delay
delay seconds
- how many seconds after death to run actions
If a player logs out during the delay the actions are ran immediately
Adds a ban entry for the player on the server.
Requires an extra configuration field:
duration: 1d
This is how long to ban the player for (configuration for 1 day)
The ban reason will be the configured message.
NOTE: Banning a player does not remove them from the server, use another action to do this.
Kicks the player from the server with the configured message.
This action applies immediately after death and ignores the delay seconds.
This action sets the respawn location of the player to the specified world
Requires an extra configuraiton field:
world name: world
This is the name of the world to set their respawn location to.
This action will move the player to another server on the BungeeCord instance.
Requires an extra configuration field:
server name: lobby
This is the name of the BungeeCord server to move the player into.