- The shortcut's window state attribute (normal, maximized, minimized) was not being properly recognized. Solves Issue #14
- Added keyboard shortcuts to toolbar items, thanks to @BenVlodgi's contribution.
- An user settings conflict that caused an unhandled exception when trying to persist the property grid view mode.
- Added experimental support to read/write Windows Installer link files. Solves Issue #5
- Added a new menu option: "Show Link Editor Toolbar". Solves Issue #11
- Added a new menu option: "Show 'Raw' tab". Solves Issue #11
- Added a new menu option: "Hide 'Recent...' files list". Solves Issue #11
- The program can crash when it is unable to retrieve the description field for some kind of link files.
- The menu options "Default" and "Dark" in "Settings > Visual Style" allowed them to be unchecked individually.
- "About" menu button is now aligned to the top right corner of the window bounds. Solves Issue #11
- Now a message box will display to inform about errors if the data of a link file can't be read.
- Menu item "Show toolbar" has been renamed to "Show File Menu Toolbar".
- Added support for opening *.lnk files from command-line.
- Added a new menu option: "Remember Window Size and Position".
- Added a new menu option: "Add Explorer's context-menu entry for *.lnk". Solves Issue #2
- Added an icons toolbar below the top menu strip to have faster access to the "File" menu commands. Solves Issue #8
- Some elements within the user interface remained unaffected when the user opted for a different font size.
- Made capable to save changes in read-only link files. Solves Issue #9
- Fixed buffer sizes to read/write link properties that prevents exceeding the maximum allowed length. Solves Issue #7
- Assigned a default accelerator key for all of the menu options.
- Added a menu option to show or hide the icons toolbar.
- Renamed / simplified names for tabs.
- Now the user settings are stored within the executable directory in a folder with name "cache". This makes the application 100% portable. Solves Issue #10
- Added a confirmation message box for successful saves, and another for failed saves.
- Incremented selectable font sizes up to 16pt.
- Added basic support for command-line arguments. Now you can pass a shortcut's file path to the executable file to open/load the specified shortcut in the program.
- Added a Hexadecimal Viewer (read-only) to view the raw contents of the current loaded shortcut file.
- Minor UI changes and source-code optimizations.
- Fixed a visual issue with the menu strip.
- The UI editor for selecting the icon index now allows to view and select a specific icon within the resource file. (see the screenshot below)
- The system dialogs to select files and folders now are forcefully shown in English language. Except the dialog to choose an icon index.
- Now the application's context menu is also accessible through right click on the bottom status bar.
- The ordering of the items in the 'File' menu has been simplified.
- The algorithm for representing the file size of the current .lnk file has been optimized.
Added an UI editor for 'Icon' property to select a icon file through a dialog window.
Added an UI editor for 'Icon Index' property to preview the current icon.
Added an UI editor for 'Target' property to select a file or folder through a dialog window.
Added an UI editor for 'Working Directory' property to select a folder through a dialog window.
Added icon preview for the current shortcut file on the status bar.
Added a property 'Target Display Name' which will display a friendly name for special targets. (eg. '::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}' CLSID is translated as 'My PC').
Added a context menu accessible through a right mouse click on the property grid, with the next commands:
Open Shortcut Open Target Open Target with Arguments View Shortcut in Explorer View Target in Explorer View Working Directory in Explorer View Icon in Explorer
Added 'New' option in 'File' menu to create a new, empty shortcut.
Added 'Font Size' option in 'Settings' menu to change the UI font size.
- Increased default UI font size to 10pt.
- Improved the representation of 'Length' property value. (Now it displays a proper file size string instead of a raw bytes-length value.)
- Improved the resizing of the property grid. (Now it keeps the default column size while the user is resizing the window.)
- Other minor UI corrections.
- Some property descriptions were abbreviated.
Initial Release.