Manage the contents of your freezer. Add Freezeritems with Content, Freezedate, Drawer, an optional Photo and manage everything in the table overview.
- Barcode-Scanner
- Adding via barcode to have the form prefilled
- Remove item from list via barcode
- During add-flow, add item to if it does not exists yet
- UI
- Search field for easier lookup
- Table by drawers
- Backend
- Improve performance via pagination
Docker image can be found under (
Select a desired version or use tag :latest
to have the latest (more or less) stable running image.
- Provide a path for the DB to the host to persist over restarts of the container
'app.config.drawerAmount=3' (DEFAULT 3)
- Configure how many drawers your freezer has
- Configure the exposed port, internally is always 8080
version: '3'
image: thisiselsueco/freezerlist:latest
container_name: freezerlist
- '/path/to/freezerlist/data:/data'
- 'app.config.drawerAmount=3'
- '8080:8080'
restart: unless-stopped
docker run --name freezerlist -v /mnt/freezerlist/data:/data -e app.config.drawerAmount=3 -p 8080:8080 --restart unless-stopped thisiselsueco/freezerlist:latest
A solution to a problem we had around the house as we had a lot of stuff in our freezer we couldn't even make up what it was anymore and to further enhance my skills regarding frontend development and some CICD-stuff - win-win I guess :) Expect some bugs and weird behaviour, but if you encounter anything strange or have a feature request please open a issue over on Github ( - I will check in on that