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+# Ed-Fi API Guidelines
+🚧 This site is under construction. In the meantime, please see
+[Ed-Fi API Guidelines](https://edfi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EFAPIGUIDE/overview)
+for more information.
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+# Tutorial: Interacting with an Ed-Fi API
+Audience: developers who wish to learn how to use an Ed-Fi API.
+Background assumptions: basic knowledge of REST API semantics and basic
+familiarity with [data exchange standards](./).
+This tutorial will walk through some basic interactions with an Ed-Fi API. It
+uses a live application running the Ed-Fi Resources API version 5.0 and
+Descriptors API version 5.0 (hosted via the Ed-Fi ODS/API version 7.1). The
+concepts are the same in all versions, though some detail of the data models may
+The data returned by this API may _look_ realistic, but they are entirely fake.
+The Ed-Fi Alliance does not store, transmit, or have access to student data - we
+provide software to our community members, who run it for themselves or engage
+with a partner to do so on their behalf. The live application used by this tutorial
+is a demonstration site containing synthetic data.
+## Discovery
+Before interacting with an Ed-Fi API, we need to know a few details. First, we
+need to know the base URL for the running installation. Issuing a `GET` request
+to that URL, we receive a document that describes the application with which you
+are interacting. This endpoint is called the Discovery API.
+GET https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/
+In particular, note the following:
+* This application support the Ed-Fi Data Standard 5.0 with Teacher Preparation
+ Data Model (TPDM) extension 1.1.
+Is it a Standard or a Model? And is it the "Data Standard" or the "API
+Standard"? It _is_ a little confusing. The "things" (_entities_) we are
+describing — such as students, schools, etc. — are defined by the
+Ed-Fi Data Standard. It enumerates the properties that describe each of those
+entities. The Data Standard is an abstract concept. We transcribe it into a data
+model — the Ed-Fi Unifying Data Model (UDM) — that can be used by
+machines. In the context of a REST API, the UDM becomes a schema prescribing how
+to encode information about a _particular_ entity. In most scenarios this
+encoding is in the form of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
+Back to the questions: from an application code perspective we are now dealing
+with a standardized API data model. And we have standards around how to employ
+that data model. Hence, "API Standard". But, since it all flows back to the
+Ed-Fi Data Standard, it is broadly acceptable to simply refer to the Data
+* Authentication requests (described in the next section) need to use the URL
+ specified in the `$.urls.oauth` property.
+`$.urls.oauth` is a [JSONPath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSONPath)
+expression; it tells you to start at the top (`$`) of the document, look for the
+`urls` element, then inside of it, look for the value on the `oauth` element.
+Arrays are described in JSONPath using index notation. For example, the TPDM
+version number is at path `$.dataModels[1].version`.
+* The `$.urls.dataManagementApi` provides the base path for access to Ed-Fi
+ Resources and Ed-Fi Descriptors — the entities you are managing via an
+ Ed-Fi API application. The Ed-Fi API Standard defines the complete URL for
+ accessing a resource as the combination of this base URL, a namespace
+ representing the core Ed-Fi UDM ("ed-fi") or an extension (e.g. "tpdm"), and
+ the name of the resource to access. In template form:
+ `{$.urls.dataManagementApi}/{extension}/{resource}`. If the
+ `dataManagementApi` value is `https://example.com`, then the actual URL for
+ accessing Students in the core UDM will be
+ `https://example.com/ed-fi/students`.
+## Authentication
+All interactions with an Ed-Fi API must be authenticated, generally using the
+OAuth client credentials flow. The following example submits a pairing of
+`client_id` and `client_secret`, and the response will contain an `access_token`
+value. That token value is a temporary key for unlocking access to the Ed-Fi
+API. What do we mean by "temporary"? Note the `expires_in` value, which is in
+milliseconds - the token will expire after this time. If you are not finished
+with your interactions with the API, then you will need to re-issue the command
+below to acquire a new token.
+POST https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/oauth/token
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "grant_type": "client_credentials",
+ "client_id": "RvcohKz9zHI4",
+ "client_secret": "E1iEFusaNf81xzCxwHfbolkC"
+Every API client application will have its own `client_id` and `client_secret`.
+These are alternately called the "key / secret" pair. The application hosting
+organization provides the key and secret, unique to their installation.
+## Managing Student Records
+Before creating a student, let's retrieve the first student available, for
+practice. (Why the _first_? Because otherwise the following request will return
+25 results, which would be rather cumbersome in this tutorial!).
+We do this with a `GET` request to the `/ed-fi/students` endpoint, appending the
+query string parameters `limit=1`.
+GET https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/data/v3/ed-fi/students?limit=1
+### Access Token Authorization
+Look at the response carefully: it says 401 Unauthorized. We "forgot" to include
+the `access_token` from the authentication request! The server does not
+recognize the client applications and denies it access to this resource.
+In the following example, copy the `access_token` from the response in the
+Authentication section above into the box below, replacing
+"98aa86998da3476c95c296e99e397891" after the word "bearer":
+GET https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/data/v3/ed-fi/students?limit=1
+Authorization: bearer 98aa86998da3476c95c296e99e397891
+This time, you should receive status code 200 ("OK") and a response body
+containing a single student record.
+### Create a New Student
+While there are other elements available on the Student data model, at minimum a
+Student must have these properties defined: `studentUniqueId`, `birthDate`,
+`firstname`, `lastSurname`. The following request creates a new student. Once
+again, you will need to copy and paste your new access token from above. You
+might also want to replace the `studentUniqueId` value with something truly
+unique; otherwise, if someone else has run this tutorial recently, you will end
+up _updating_ an existing record instead of _creating_ a new one.
+POST https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/data/v3/ed-fi/students
+Authorization: bearer 98aa86998da3476c95c296e99e397891
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "studentUniqueId": "unique",
+ "firstName": "Bugs",
+ "lastSurname": "Bunny",
+ "birthDate": "1940-07-27"
+If you have created a new record, then the first line in the response above will
+have status code 201 ("Created"). If you have updated an existing record, it
+will be status code 200 ("OK"). Look for the `location` value in the list of
+_response headers_ — the key-value pairs below the status code. That
+`location` value is the unique URL for the just-created Student. Copy and paste
+that value into the next request.
+GET https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/data/v3/ed-fi/students/692ea2ceebd142bfa7a5ace10c3f11e7
+Authorization: bearer 98aa86998da3476c95c296e99e397891
+Read that response carefully: you should have received status code 403
+("Forbidden") with a message telling you that authorization was denied!.
+### Education Organization Authorization
+Having an access token is the _first_ step to being authorized to perform an
+action. The access token provides certain basic permissions, but not blanket
+permissions. This error tells us that the `client_id`'s permissions do not
+extend to being able to read this Student. That may sound rather odd, given that
+we just created the Student in the first place.
+There are several additional ways of securing student data in the Ed-Fi ODS/API.
+Most Ed-Fi API applications will have similar rules, but this section is
+currently specific to the Ed-Fi ODS/API application.
+In this case, we are looking at education organization security. Each
+`client_id` is assigned to one or more education organizations, most likely a
+Local Education Agency (LEA) or a specific School. The client application is
+allowed to allowed to read (or update, or delete) only those Students that are
+associated with that LEA or individual school. We need to create a
+`studentSchoolAssociation` record tying this specific Student to an allowed
+School. The error message above tells us what `educationOrganizationId` values
+we are allowed to use: 255901 or 19255901. But neither of these is a school, as
+it turns out. We will need a `schoolId`. The following request looks up the
+first School associated with LEA 255901.
+GET https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/data/v3/ed-fi/schools?localEducationAgencyId=255901&limit=1
+Authorization: bearer 98aa86998da3476c95c296e99e397891
+We'll use the `schoolId` value in the next section.
+### Creating a Student School Association
+The data model for `studentSchoolAssociation` has only four
+required properties:
+* `schoolReference`
+* `studentReference`
+* `entryDate`
+* `entryGradeLevelDescriptor`
+These "references" describe other resources that must already exist in the API
+application. In this case, the reference values are rather simple, both
+containing only a single property. But, most situations are more complex, due to
+the multi-part _natural keys_ employed by the Ed-Fi Data Standard. For example,
+a `Section` has a five-part natural key; therefore a `sectionReference` would
+have five properties in it.
+Descriptors are sets of available code values for a given concept. The
+descriptor value representation in an HTTP request is in the form of a URI with
+the template `{BASE_URI}#{CodeValue}`. Entry Grade Level refers to the Grade
+Level Descriptors. The following example looks up the first two available
+`gradeLevelDescriptor` resources held by the API.
+GET https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/data/v3/ed-fi/gradeLevelDescriptors?limit=2
+Authorization: bearer 98aa86998da3476c95c296e99e397891
+If you update the following request to have a valid bearer token, and the
+`studentUniqueId` that you used above, then you should be able to create the
+association. If the response comes back with status code 201, as expected, then
+you can try the `GET` request for the Student again (above). This time, it should be successful.
+POST https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/data/v3/ed-fi/studentSchoolAssociations
+Authorization: bearer 000b2ebdc059479d93f75f4f64934dd3
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "schoolReference": {
+ "schoolId": 255901001
+ },
+ "studentReference": {
+ "studentUniqueId": "unique"
+ },
+ "entryDate": "2024-06-02",
+ "entryGradeLevelDescriptor": "uri://ed-fi.org/GradeLevelDescriptor#Ninth grade",
+### Updating the Student
+There are two ways to update the `student` record: with a `POST` request that
+contains the natural key (in this case, `studentUniqueId`), or a `PUT` request
+to the specific resource's URL. They are mutually acceptable approaches, and
+both are shown below. For the `PUT` request to work, please note that you will
+need to paste the unique record identifier into the `id` property, in addition
+to it being at the end of the URL. But, don't try this on the `POST` request,
+because `id` is not allowed in `POST` requests.
+POST https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/data/v3/ed-fi/students
+Authorization: bearer 98aa86998da3476c95c296e99e397891
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "studentUniqueId": "unique",
+ "firstName": "George",
+ "middleName": "Washington",
+ "lastSurname": "Bunny",
+ "birthDate": "1940-07-27"
+PUT https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/data/v3/ed-fi/students/a597ca255e8e4155b54c389a7b13931c
+Authorization: bearer 98aa86998da3476c95c296e99e397891
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "id": "a597ca255e8e4155b54c389a7b13931c",
+ "studentUniqueId": "unique",
+ "firstName": "George",
+ "middleName": "Washington",
+ "lastSurname": "Bunny",
+ "birthDate": "1940-07-27"
+### Deleting a Resource and Dependency Ordering
+To delete the Student, use the same URL as in the `PUT` request:
+DELETE https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/data/v3/ed-fi/students/a597ca255e8e4155b54c389a7b13931c
+Authorization: bearer 98aa86998da3476c95c296e99e397891
+Look carefully: the request should have failed with status code 409
+("Conflict"). The detail error message tells you that there is a Student School
+Association connected to this Student, and therefore it cannot be deleted. This
+is an example of the Ed-Fi API's _referential integrity_ in action. If you were
+allowed to delete this Student, then there would be a dangling Student School
+Association that points to a student who does not exist!
+This is an example of dependency ordering. Look again at the Discovery API
+example at the top of this page. The URL specified at path
+`$.urls.dependendencies` can be used to help understand dependency order. For
+example, `/ed-fi/students` has order 3, and `/ed-fi/studentSchoolAssociations`
+has order 13. When _creating_ a resource, the lower number must be created
+first. When _deleting_, we must go in reverse: delete the higher number first.
+To delete the Student School Association, you will need the `id` value to insert
+into the URL. The following `GET` will return the `studentSchoolAssociation`
+record, from which the `id` value can be copied and pasted into the `DELETE`
+request that follows it.
+GET https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/data/v3/ed-fi/studentSchoolAssociations?studentUniqueId=unique&schoolId=255901001
+Authorization: bearer 98aa86998da3476c95c296e99e397891
+DELETE https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/api/data/v3/ed-fi/studentSchoolAssociations/629d690e8007483ba52780749688f104
+Authorization: bearer 98aa86998da3476c95c296e99e397891
+Finally, try the the `DELETE /ed-fi/students` request above again. A successful
+`DELETE` request will result in a 204 status code ("No Content").
+## Exploring the Full Ed-Fi Resources API
+In this tutorial, you have learned the basics of how to create, read, update,
+and delete ("CRUD") data in an Ed-Fi API, have learned the basics about
+authorization, and have seen specific examples relating to Students, Grade Level
+Descriptors, and Student School Associations.
+As a next step in learning how to interact with an Ed-Fi API, we suggest trying
+the [live documentation site for ODS/API
+7.1](https://api.ed-fi.org/v7.1/docs/swagger). It uses a tool called Swagger UI
+to read the OpenAPI specification file — provided by the Discovery API, in
+`$.urls.openApiMetadata` — and create a friendly user interface for
+exploring the full scope of the Resources API.
+A few tips to help you navigate and use the tool:
+1. The "Authorize" button at the top, or the small lock icons on each request,
+ facilitates client authentication for acquiring an access token. The tool
+ will automatically apply that access token for you, so that you don't need to
+ copy and paste it as you did in this tutorial.
+2. Click the down arrow `â‹Ž` on the right side of the page to expand a section.
+3. Each resource type (e.g. `academicWeeks`, `accountabilityRatings`, etc.) has
+ expandable content for `GET`, `POST`, `GET` by ID, `PUT`, and `DELETE`
+ requests — plus two more `GET` requests that relate to the [Change
+ Queries](https://edfi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ODSAPIS3V61/pages/18811902/Using+the+Changed+Record+Queries)
+ feature.
+4. The `GET` request shows all of the available _query string parameters_ for
+ filtering query results.
+5. The `POST` request shows an example value by default. Click on the word
+ `Schema` above the example value to learn more about the data model for that
+ resource type. This data model shows you all of the properties available for
+ that resource, and it places a red asterisk next to all of the required
+ properties.
+6. At the top of the page there is a dropdown menu that will allow you to
+ explore Ed-Fi API definitions other than the Resource API. For example, you
+ can explore the Descriptors API.
+## Further Reading
+The following resources will help you learn more about working with an Ed-Fi API
+* [Ed-Fi API Guidelines](./api-guidelines/): this
+ space contains guidance on how to build a compliant Ed-Fi API application.
+ Those who are writing client applications that interact with a compatible
+ Ed-Fi API application can also benefit by learning more about what to expect
+ from the system.
+* [API Client Developers'
+ Guide](../ods-api/client-developers-guide): provides more detail
+ on many of the topics explored in this tutorial, and covers additional details
+ not reviewed here. This link is to the Ed-fFi ODS/API version 7.1
+ documentation. Most if not all content there applies equally to other versions
+ of the Ed-Fi ODS/API and to other Ed-Fi API applications more generally.
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+# Client Developer's Guide to the ODS/API Platform
+🚧 This site is under construction. In the meantime, please see
+[Ed-Fi ODS / API for Suite 3 v7.2 (Latest)](https://edfi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ODSAPIS3V72/overview)
+for more information.