title projects-list Software name img desc website url EPIDEMIA /img/clinic_small.JPG Malaria early warning in the Amhara region of Ethiopia https://ecograph.github.io/epidemia https://ecograph.github.io/epidemia name img desc website url ArboMAP /img/mosquito_small.jpg West Nile virus surveillance and forecasting https://ecograph.github.io/arbomap https://ecograph.github.io/arbomap name img desc website url WAForDD /img/forest_small.JPG West African Forest Degradation Data system https://ecograph.github.io/wafordd https://ecograph.github.io/wafordd name img desc website url CHANGE /img/wui_small.JPG Integrated land use change and vegetation dynamics modeling https://ecograph.github.io/change https://ecograph.github.io/change Projects {% include list-circles.html items=page.projects-list %}