- If you are using eclipse it is reasonable to add a project reference to kea-5.0 from the EUMMSI GIT. If not export the source and TestKea.java as .jar file and include it in the java classpath.
- The system property "KEA_HOME" must point to the location of the local kea-5.0 folder.
- KEA needs a generated model to run. A basic model can be generated by executing TestKea.java. For the Annotator to run properly its location needs to be " KEA_HOME + "/data/models/" + LANGUAGE + "/model" "
- The most important class in KEA is KEAKeyphraseExtractor, where an additional method "extractKeyphrasesToMap" was added, which puts each keyphrase and its currently accessable features ("stemmed", "propability","rank" and "stem") into a HashMap.