- Learn what AWS Elastic Beanstalk is all about
- Explore different AWS Elastic Beanstalk configuration details.
- Set up a new AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment
- Backend for Frontend overview
- BFF as Pattern
- API Gateway as BFF
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk configuration
Must Watch
The following content provides enough info to complete the task.
In English
- TBD, ~0 mins
In Russian
- RU Introduction, ~1 mins
- RU Theory and concepts, ~16 mins
- RU Elastic Beanstalk, ~7 mins
- RU Demo, ~15 mins
- RU Deploy and delete an application with AWS Elastic Beanstalk, ~55mins
- RU Questions, ~7 mins
The following content provides more info for further studies.
Must Read
The following content provides enough info to complete the task.
The following content provides more info for further studies.