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David Garfinkle edited this page Aug 15, 2019 · 13 revisions

Content-based symbolic music retrieval (CBSMR) Wiki

This wiki will overview the CBSMR system built to integrate with SIMSSADB as part of the ELVIS-project.

This system will search a corpus of sheet music by its content using a written musical query and return highlighted excerpts of the sheet music where the query was found.


We use postgres to store piece data, golang and gRPC to implement a search microservice, a search algorithm written in C included as a submodule, and we service web requests with python and javascript.

This project is built on top of notable music processing software mentioned here:

  • verovio humdrum viewer in the front-end web application to let users type out their queries
  • music21 to parse a variety of symbolic music encodings
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