This repository contains the source of the document: "IA Responsable: Manual técnico - Ciclo de vida de la inteligencia artificial":
Although there are a significant number of principles that seek ethical AI, they only provide high-level guidance on what should or should not be done in its development and there is very little clarity on what the best practices are for putting them into operation(Vayena, 2019). The objective of this manual is to provide these recommendations and good technical practices in order to avoid results contrary (often unexpected) to the objectives of decision makers. These purposes are varied: they can refer to undesirable consequences from the point of view of decision makers, wasting of resources due to inadequate targeting or any other objective that the decision maker is seeking to achieve.
This manual is intended for technical teams working on the application of machine learning algorithms for public policy. However, all the challenges it covers are common to any application of this technology. It is assumed that the reader has basic knowledge of statistics and programming, although when concepts are named, brief descriptions are included and additional bibliography is shared. The manual includes workbooks with various examples of the challenges and solutions explained. Different types of models (linear, tree-based, and others) and different implementations (R, Keras, Xgboost) are used to show that these problems arise regardless of the choice of particular tools. Although the codes and examples were developed in R, all the topics and methodologies applied and described in this manual can be implemented in any other programming language.
Using the rocker/rstudio container
Build image
docker build -t ia-responsable .
Run container
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=yourpassword -e ROOT=TRUE -v $PWD/:/home/rstudio/ ia-responsable
Visit localhost:8787
in your browser and log in with username rstudio
and the password you set. NB: Setting a password is now REQUIRED. Container will error otherwise.
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