List all the files in an extracted archive and obtain types:
find . -type f -exec file {} \; > ../iOS13-all-files.txt
Convert automatically binary plist to JSON:
find . -type f -name "*.plist" -exec sh -c 'plutil -convert json -r $1' - {} \;
For the PLIST that could not be converted (due to serialized object), drop a human version with .txt extension:
find . -type f -name "*.plist" -exec sh -c 'plutil -p $1 > $1.txt' - {} \;
To install
apt-get install libimobiledevice-dev libimobiledevice-doc libimobiledevice6 libplist-doc ideviceinstaller libimobiledevice-utils python-imobiledevice python-plist libplist-utils
List connected devices:
david@porg:~/git$ idevice_id -l
Pair the device:
david@porg:~/git$ idevicepair pair -u 57903aef990b53f80bc712efae0e6cb320e28c3a
SUCCESS: Paired with device 57903aef990b53f80bc712efae0e6cb320e28c3a
Trigger a backup
david@porg:~/git$ idevicebackup2 -u 57903aef990b53f80bc712efae0e6cb320e28c3a backup ~/Documents/iPhoneBackups/
Backup directory is "~/Documents/iPhoneBackups/"
Started "" service on port 49734.
Negotiated Protocol Version 2.1
Starting backup...
Backup will be unencrypted.
Requesting backup from device...
Full backup mode.
[========================== ] 50% Finished
Receiving files
[==================================================] 100% (5.2 MB/5.2 MB)
[==================================================] 100% (5.2 MB/5.2 MB)
Sending '57903aef990b53f80bc712efae0e6cb320e28c3a/Status.plist' (189 Bytes)
Sending '57903aef990b53f80bc712efae0e6cb320e28c3a/Manifest.plist' (63.7 KB)
Unpack the backup
idevicebackup2 unback ~/Documents/iPhoneBackups/
At first glance, only 2 remains:
$find . -type f -name "*.sqlitedb"
# Parsing unified logging:
# Count rows in powerlogs
for i in `sqlite3 "$db" "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';"`; do a=$(sqlite3 "$db" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '$i'"); echo -e "$a\t$i"; done | sort -n > powerlogs_cnt