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A datagrid widget for the Monomer library.

Example hagrid widget screenshot

Current Status

  • Somewhat buggy and incomplete. Don't build your business on this.

Current Features

  • Vertical and horizontal scrolling.
  • Resizable columns.
  • Column sorting, with a customizable sort key.
  • Configurable column alignment (left or right).
  • Custom widgets for each cell, to override the standard label.
  • Custom width/height padding for each cell, configured per column.
  • Scrolling to a particular row when sent a message.
  • Custom footer widgets on the bottom of each column.
  • Efficient implementation that only inflates visible widgets, scaling to at least 10000 rows.

Definite Future Goals

  • Better documention.
  • Better tests.
  • Prettier appearance.

Possible Future Goals

  • Explore providing an API where current sort/column widths/etc are stored in the parent model and updated by hagrid via a lens. This may remove some complexity around merging and the specification of initial sorts/column widths.

API Documentation

See the generated docs on Hackage.

To build and run examples

stack build --flag monomer-hagrid:examples
`stack path --local-install-root`/bin/example-basic          # Demo of the basic functionality.
`stack path --local-install-root`/bin/example-big-grid       # Demo of a grid with over 10000 rows.
`stack path --local-install-root`/bin/example-resizing-cells # Demo where the cells are constantly changing size.

Contribution Guide

  • This is "free as in mattress" software!
  • You are welcome to open an issue with bug reports or feature requests, but you may not get a response.
  • Unsolicited pull requests will likely be ignored.

To format the source code

# Should use Ormolu
ormolu --mode inplace $(find . -name '*.hs')