install node (16.x.x)
install yarn
npm install --global pnpm
install packages
pnpm install
Developer build with HMR
pnpm dev
pnpm lint
Format (resolve fixable bugs)
pnpm format
Prod Build
pnpm build
Preview Build
pnpm preview
- Install project
- run:
pnpm dev
- open localhost
- rest of task will be in the app 😁😁
- Mobile first application - ignore desktop view
- basically app should show just temperature, sunrise and sunset. Other infos like if the day is sunny or cloudy, rain, warnings, wind, length of day should be implemented later 🤙
- using geolocation show info about weather of the user location
- searchbar has autocomplete of names of the cities
- clicking into suggestion open a component which shows info about selected city
- searchbar remember previous searches
- user can create list of favourites cites
- app should have drawer with lists of favourites cites