##KhaFlixel 0.1 KhaFlixel is a port of the famous OpenFL library Flixel to Kha.
##About KhaFlixel is a port of the famous OpenFL library Flixel to Kha. We used HaxeFlixel structure for convenience. It has some improvements and also some new stuff like support for SpriteSheets or Tiled Map format parser.
It's still new and shinny so you may find some bugs.
Version: 0.0.1 "ShinnyAndNew"
The main development is by Ratalaika Games
Things you can do now:
- Why not following us on Twitter?
- You can check out the examples!
- Also why not reading the documentation?
- Integrated basic collision
- Groups
- Sound
- Mouse input
- Keyboard input
- Touch input
- Color utilities
- Particles
- Text display
- Save games and preferences
- Camera scrolling
- Tilemap support
- Tiled Map format parser
Advance Features
- Record and play back
- Path finding
- Camera systems for split screen
- Object recycling
- Tweening
- Sprite Sheep loading for performance
- On Screen game pads
- Bitmap Fonts
- Fixed and variable time steps allowed
##Getting Started Installing NodeJS
You can get a copy of NodeJS on its site here and install it.
Update NodeJS
If you have NodeJS already installed make sure it's updated! You can do so with the following commands.
sudo npm cache clean -f
node --version
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
node --version
If you find any kind of bug, or weird problems with the library add them to the Issue Tracker. Add as much information as possible, also upload the source code that causes the problem if you can :)!
KhaFlixel is released under the MIT License. KhaFlixel uses source code from multiple open source projects. Check the license file for more information.