A presentation for the Pelagios Text Reuse Working Group
- (Really) Quick history
- Objectives
- Team
- Principles
- Current status
- Implementations
- Started in a workshop about Canonical Text Services (CTS) future in 2015
- Alternative to CTS to fit more needs, more technical realities.
- Ups and downs, real speed up over the last academic year
- Open group for contributions, not a one-person project
- Scalable API : does well for 10 texts as much as 1M
- Linked Open Data
- no access barrier
- controlled vocabularies
- Identifier agnostic
- CTS retro compatible
- Focused on serving and retrieval for the first lot
- Search might come later ?
- URI scheme should be flexible (not everybody can have reroute)
- No catalogue hierarchy should be forced upon implementers
- Freedom of catalogue architecture (details, depth, etc.)
- Bridget Almas
- Hugh Cayless
- Thibault Clérice
- Jeffrey C. Witt
- Vincent Jolivet
- Pietro Luzzo
- Emmanuelle Morlock
- Jonathan Robie
- Matteo Romanello
- James Tauber
- and the list goes on and I probably forgot people here.
Core of 4 to 5 peoples meeting every two weeks for the past year. Latinists and hellenists but other periods and languages as well
Three main functions turned into endpoint :
- Collection browsing (Collection Endpoint)
- JSON-LD, Hydra-based answers, DC as core metadata vocabulary
- Restful
- Navigation Endpoint
- JSON (endpoint to be in discussion soon)
- Document Endpoint
- Endpoints do not need to be all available.
- Endpoints should be usable without the need to browse from the top down
- I know you have this text, please just give me its available pages.
- I know your Victor Hugo's Misérables has paragraph 5 from chapter 3. Give it to me.
- Freedom of other output type for the document endpoints (you can allow people to get plain text). But you have to serve TEI XML.
"@context": {
"@vocab": "https://www.w3.org/ns/hydra/core#",
"dc": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
"dts": "https://w3id.org/dts/api#"
"@id": "general",
"@type": "Collection",
"totalItems": "2",
"title": "Collection Générale de l'École Nationale des Chartes",
"dts:dublincore": {
"dc:publisher": ["École Nationale des Chartes", "https://viaf.org/viaf/167874585"],
"dc:title": [
{"fr" : "Collection Générale de l'École Nationale des Chartes"}
"member": [
"@id" : "cartulaires",
"title" : "Cartulaires",
"description": "Collection de cartulaires d'Île-de-France et de ses environs",
"@type" : "Collection",
"totalItems" : "10"
"@id" : "lasciva_roma",
"title" : "Lasciva Roma",
"description": "Collection of primary sources of interest in [...]",
"@type" : "Collection",
"totalItems" : "1"
"@id" : "lettres_de_poilus",
"title" : "Correspondance des poilus",
"description": "Collection de lettres de poilus entre 1917 et 1918",
"@type" : "Collection",
"totalItems" : "10000"
Warning: definitely a draft, not discussed in depth
"@context": {
"passage": "https://w3id.org/dts/api#/#passage"
"@base": "/dts/api/document/",
"passage": ["1", "2", "3"]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<authority>Duke Collaboratory for Classics Computing (DC3)</authority>
<idno type="filename">bgu.11.2029</idno>
<idno type="ddb-perseus-style">0001;11;2029</idno>
<idno type="ddb-hybrid">bgu;11;2029</idno>
<idno type="HGV">9566</idno>
<idno type="TM">9566</idno>
<p>© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a
<ref type="license" target="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0 License</ref>.</p>
<dts:fragment xmlns:dts="https://w3id.org/dts/api#">
<lb n="1"/><expan>τετελ<ex>ώνηται</ex></expan>
<expan>δι<ex>ὰ</ex></expan> <expan>πύλ<ex>ης</ex></expan> Διονυσιάδος
- Collection endpoint (= catalogue browsing) is close to a good first draft. Some discussion remaining, mostly due to first implementation giving us feedback on this.
- Navigation endpoint to be the next one to be looked at, should be shorted than collection (hopefully)
- Document API already discussed a lot, not finalized
- SCTA by Jeffrey C Witt
- Beta maṣāḥǝft by Pietro Luzzo
- Capitains
- web client, (Python)
- web server, (Python)
- local client, (Python, hopefully JS ?)
- guidelines to encode for the server part (TEI + proprietary metadata scheme)
If I forgot something, we have more than 3 members of DTS here, maybe they'd like to add something ?