- The first thing we did is - npx create-nx-workspace@latest with an empty setup
- Add react plugin :
yarn add -D @nrwl/react
- Create react application :
yarn nx g @nrwl/react:application dash --js
(With None as CSS Preset) - Run Dashboard
yarn nx serve dash
- Add styles.css with @tailwind annotations
- Add tailwind.config.js inside dash
- Add postcss.config.js at root
- Edit project.json add tailwind command to compile minified version
- To build this:
yarn nx build dash
- Add plugin:
yarn add @nrwl/next --dev
- Create application:
yarn nx g @nrwl/next:app land --js
- Run Dashboard
yarn nx serve land
- Add styles.css with @tailwind annotations
- Add tailwind.config.js inside land
- Export
yarn nx export land
- To remove an application
npx nx g @nrwl/workspace:remove <app-name>
yarn nx g @nrwl/react-native:app mobile --js
Bundler: yarn nx start mobile
Android: yarn nx run-android mobile
iOS: yarn nx run-ios mobile --install