interface IService<out T>
T? Dependency { get; }
class Service<T> : IService<T>
// The Ordinal attribute specifies to perform an injection,
// the integer value in the argument specifies
// the ordinal of injection
public void SetDependency(T dependency) =>
Dependency = dependency;
public T? Dependency { get; private set; }
// Composition root
var composition = new Composition();
var service = composition.GetMyService<int>(someArg: 33);
The following partial class will be generated:
partial class Composition
private readonly Composition _root;
public Composition()
_root = this;
internal Composition(Composition parentScope)
_root = (parentScope ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parentScope)))._root;
public IService<T1> GetMyService<T1>(T1 someArg)
Service<T1> transientService0 = new Service<T1>();
return transientService0;
Class diagram:
hideEmptyMembersBox: true
ServiceᐸT1ᐳ --|> IServiceᐸT1ᐳ
Composition ..> ServiceᐸT1ᐳ : IServiceᐸT1ᐳ GetMyServiceᐸT1ᐳ(T1 someArg)
ServiceᐸT1ᐳ o-- T1 : Argument "someArg"
namespace Pure.DI.UsageTests.Basics.GenericRootArgScenario {
class Composition {
+IServiceᐸT1ᐳ GetMyServiceᐸT1ᐳ(T1 someArg)
class IServiceᐸT1ᐳ {
class ServiceᐸT1ᐳ {
+SetDependency(T1 dependency) : Void