Defining generic type arguments using particular marker types like TT
in this sample is a distinguishing and outstanding feature. This allows binding complex generic types with nested generic types and with any type constraints. For instance IService<T1, T2, TList, TDictionary> where T2: struct where TList: IList<T1> where TDictionary: IDictionary<T1, T2> { }
and its binding to the some implementation .Bind<IService<TT1, TTS2, TTList<TT1>, TTDictionary<TT1, TTS2>>>().To<Service<TT1, TTS2, TTList<TT1>, TTDictionary<TT1, TTS2>>>()
with all checks and code-generation at the compile time. It is clear that this example is exaggerated, it just demonstrates the ease of working with marker types like TT, TTEnumerable, TTSet
and etc. for binding complex generic types.
interface IDependency<T>;
class Dependency<T> : IDependency<T>;
readonly record struct DependencyStruct<T> : IDependency<T>
where T : struct;
interface IService<T1, T2, TList, TDictionary>
where T2 : struct
where TList : IList<T1>
where TDictionary : IDictionary<T1, T2>
IDependency<T1> Dependency1 { get; }
IDependency<T2> Dependency2 { get; }
class Service<T1, T2, TList, TDictionary>(
IDependency<T1> dependency1,
[Tag("value type")] IDependency<T2> dependency2)
: IService<T1, T2, TList, TDictionary>
where T2 : struct
where TList : IList<T1>
where TDictionary : IDictionary<T1, T2>
public IDependency<T1> Dependency1 { get; } = dependency1;
public IDependency<T2> Dependency2 { get; } = dependency2;
class Program<T>(IService<T, int, List<T>, Dictionary<T, int>> service)
where T : notnull
public IService<T, int, List<T>, Dictionary<T, int>> Service { get; } = service;
// This hint indicates to not generate methods such as Resolve
.Hint(Hint.Resolve, "Off")
.Bind<IDependency<TTS>>("value type").To<DependencyStruct<TTS>>()
.Bind<IService<TT1, TTS2, TTList<TT1>, TTDictionary<TT1, TTS2>>>()
.To<Service<TT1, TTS2, TTList<TT1>, TTDictionary<TT1, TTS2>>>()
// Composition root
var composition = new Composition();
var program = composition.Root;
var service = program.Service;
service.ShouldBeOfType<Service<string, int, List<string>, Dictionary<string, int>>>();
It can also be useful in a very simple scenario where, for example, the sequence of type arguments does not match the sequence of arguments of the contract that implements the type.
The following partial class will be generated:
partial class Composition
private readonly Composition _root;
public Composition()
_root = this;
internal Composition(Composition parentScope)
_root = (parentScope ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parentScope)))._root;
public Program<string> Root
return new Program<string>(new Service<string, int, List<string>, Dictionary<string, int>>(new Dependency<string>(), new DependencyStruct<int>()));
Class diagram:
class Composition {
+ProgramᐸStringᐳ Root
class ProgramᐸStringᐳ {
+Program(IServiceᐸStringˏInt32ˏListᐸStringᐳˏDictionaryᐸStringˏInt32ᐳᐳ service)
ServiceᐸStringˏInt32ˏListᐸStringᐳˏDictionaryᐸStringˏInt32ᐳᐳ --|> IServiceᐸStringˏInt32ˏListᐸStringᐳˏDictionaryᐸStringˏInt32ᐳᐳ
class ServiceᐸStringˏInt32ˏListᐸStringᐳˏDictionaryᐸStringˏInt32ᐳᐳ {
+Service(IDependencyᐸStringᐳ dependency1, IDependencyᐸInt32ᐳ dependency2)
DependencyᐸStringᐳ --|> IDependencyᐸStringᐳ
class DependencyᐸStringᐳ {
DependencyStructᐸInt32ᐳ --|> IDependencyᐸInt32ᐳ : "value type"
class DependencyStructᐸInt32ᐳ {
class IServiceᐸStringˏInt32ˏListᐸStringᐳˏDictionaryᐸStringˏInt32ᐳᐳ {
class IDependencyᐸStringᐳ {
class IDependencyᐸInt32ᐳ {
ProgramᐸStringᐳ *-- ServiceᐸStringˏInt32ˏListᐸStringᐳˏDictionaryᐸStringˏInt32ᐳᐳ : IServiceᐸStringˏInt32ˏListᐸStringᐳˏDictionaryᐸStringˏInt32ᐳᐳ
Composition ..> ProgramᐸStringᐳ : ProgramᐸStringᐳ Root
ServiceᐸStringˏInt32ˏListᐸStringᐳˏDictionaryᐸStringˏInt32ᐳᐳ *-- DependencyᐸStringᐳ : IDependencyᐸStringᐳ
ServiceᐸStringˏInt32ˏListᐸStringᐳˏDictionaryᐸStringˏInt32ᐳᐳ *-- DependencyStructᐸInt32ᐳ : "value type" IDependencyᐸInt32ᐳ