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Check for a root


Sometimes you need to check if you can get the root of a composition using the Resolve method before calling it, this example will show you how to do it:

interface IDependency;

class Dependency : IDependency;

interface IService
    IDependency Dependency { get; }

class Service : IService
    public required IDependency Dependency { get; init; }

partial class Composition
    private static readonly HashSet<(Type type, object? tag)> Roots = [];

    // Check that the root can be resolved by Resolve methods
    internal static bool HasRoot(Type type, object? key = default) =>
        Roots.Contains((type, key));

    static void Setup() =>
            // Specifies to use the partial OnNewRoot method
            // to register each root
            .Hint(Hint.OnNewRoot, "On")

            // Composition roots
            .Root<IDependency>(tag: "MyDep")

    // Adds a new root to the hash set
    private static partial void OnNewRoot<TContract, T>(
        IResolver<Composition, TContract> resolver,
        string name,
        object? tag,
        Lifetime lifetime) =>
        Roots.Add((typeof(TContract), tag));

Composition.HasRoot(typeof(IDependency), "MyDep").ShouldBeTrue();


For more hints, see this page.

The following partial class will be generated:

partial class Composition
  private readonly Composition _root;

  public Composition()
    _root = this;

  internal Composition(Composition parentScope)
    _root = (parentScope ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parentScope)))._root;

  public IService Root
      return new Service() { Dependency = new Dependency() };

  private IDependency Root2
      return new Dependency();

  public T Resolve<T>()
    return Resolver<T>.Value.Resolve(this);

  public T Resolve<T>(object? tag)
    return Resolver<T>.Value.ResolveByTag(this, tag);

  public object Resolve(Type type)
    var index = (int)(_bucketSize * ((uint)RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(type) % 4));
    ref var pair = ref _buckets[index];
    return pair.Key == type ? pair.Value.Resolve(this) : Resolve(type, index);

  private object Resolve(Type type, int index)
    var finish = index + _bucketSize;
    while (++index < finish)
      ref var pair = ref _buckets[index];
      if (pair.Key == type)
        return pair.Value.Resolve(this);

    throw new InvalidOperationException($"{CannotResolveMessage} {OfTypeMessage} {type}.");

  public object Resolve(Type type, object? tag)
    var index = (int)(_bucketSize * ((uint)RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(type) % 4));
    ref var pair = ref _buckets[index];
    return pair.Key == type ? pair.Value.ResolveByTag(this, tag) : Resolve(type, tag, index);

  private object Resolve(Type type, object? tag, int index)
    var finish = index + _bucketSize;
    while (++index < finish)
      ref var pair = ref _buckets[index];
      if (pair.Key == type)
        return pair.Value.ResolveByTag(this, tag);

    throw new InvalidOperationException($"{CannotResolveMessage} \"{tag}\" {OfTypeMessage} {type}.");

  private readonly static int _bucketSize;
  private readonly static Pair<Type, IResolver<Composition, object>>[] _buckets;

  private static partial void OnNewRoot<TContract, T>(IResolver<Composition, TContract> resolver, string name, object? tag, Lifetime lifetime);

  static Composition()
    var valResolver_0000 = new Resolver_0000();
    OnNewRoot<IService, Service>(valResolver_0000, "Root", null, Lifetime.Transient);
    Resolver<IService>.Value = valResolver_0000;
    var valResolver_0001 = new Resolver_0001();
    OnNewRoot<IDependency, Dependency>(valResolver_0001, "Root2", "MyDep", Lifetime.Transient);
    Resolver<IDependency>.Value = valResolver_0001;
    _buckets = Buckets<Type, IResolver<Composition, object>>.Create(
      out _bucketSize,
      new Pair<Type, IResolver<Composition, object>>[2]
         new Pair<Type, IResolver<Composition, object>>(typeof(IService), valResolver_0000)
        ,new Pair<Type, IResolver<Composition, object>>(typeof(IDependency), valResolver_0001)

  private const string CannotResolveMessage = "Cannot resolve composition root ";
  private const string OfTypeMessage = "of type ";

  private class Resolver<T>: IResolver<Composition, T>
    public static IResolver<Composition, T> Value = new Resolver<T>();

    public virtual T Resolve(Composition composite)
      throw new InvalidOperationException($"{CannotResolveMessage}{OfTypeMessage}{typeof(T)}.");

    public virtual T ResolveByTag(Composition composite, object tag)
      throw new InvalidOperationException($"{CannotResolveMessage}\"{tag}\" {OfTypeMessage}{typeof(T)}.");

  private sealed class Resolver_0000: Resolver<IService>
    public override IService Resolve(Composition composition)
      return composition.Root;

    public override IService ResolveByTag(Composition composition, object tag)
      switch (tag)
        case null:
          return composition.Root;

          return base.ResolveByTag(composition, tag);

  private sealed class Resolver_0001: Resolver<IDependency>
    public override IDependency Resolve(Composition composition)
      return base.Resolve(composition);

    public override IDependency ResolveByTag(Composition composition, object tag)
      switch (tag)
        case "MyDep":
          return composition.Root2;

          return base.ResolveByTag(composition, tag);

Class diagram:

	class Composition {
		+IService Root
		-IDependency _
		+ T ResolveᐸTᐳ()
		+ T ResolveᐸTᐳ(object? tag)
		+ object Resolve(Type type)
		+ object Resolve(Type type, object? tag)
	Dependency --|> IDependency : "MyDep" 
	class Dependency {
	Service --|> IService
	class Service {
		+IDependency Dependency
	class IDependency {
	class IService {
	Composition ..> Service : IService Root
	Composition ..> Dependency : IDependency _
	Service *--  Dependency : "MyDep"  IDependency