Herein, we describe the creation of a simple extension - WYSIWYG-editor of the backend-DotPlant2.
Since the expansion DotPlant2 are composer-packs, it's best to use for the development of studio.
Installing the studio:
composer global require franzl/studio
Now we go to the application folder of our application and create composer-package:
[12:37:57][~/git-my/dotplant2/application]on(master)$ studio create ../../dotplant-wysiwyg-ckeditor
Please name this package dotplant/wysiwyg-ckeditor
Please provide a default namespace (PSR-4) [Dotplant\Wysiwyg-ckeditor] DotPlant\CKEditor
Do you want to set up PhpUnit as a testing tool? [y|N]
Do you want to set up PhpSpec as a testing tool? [y|N]
Do you want to set up TravisCI as continuous integration tool? [y|N]
Package directory ../../dotplant-wysiwyg-ckeditor created.
Running composer install for new package...
Package successfully created.
Dumping autoloads...
Autoloads successfully generated.
Team studio create
reates composer-pack in the directory two levels higher application and registers the package in a special autoloader-e.
There will also be asked to specify the package name and the default namespace.
In this case, our expansion will use a ready-made implementation CKEditor widget yii2, so you must specify the appropriate package as a dependency, and at the same time add descriptions composer.json:
"name": "dotplant/wysiwyg-ckeditor",
"description": "CKEditor WYSIWYG widget for DotPlant2 backend",
"type": "dotplant2-extension",
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"require": {
"mihaildev/yii2-ckeditor": "~1.0.0"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"DotPlant\\CKEditor\\": "src/"
Extensions DotPlant2 - are modules. Extensions do not have to provide any additional controllers. However, it is necessary to correct the automatic installation.
Studio created the file src/Example.php
. for us. Rename it to Module
and define our module:
File Class Expansion Module DotPlant2 necessarily be called Module, expand
и and override the static variable$moduleId
Available in backend WYSIWYG-editors are described in the table {{%wysiwyg}}
. To add a new editor is simple to add a new record to the table and reset commonTag cache model.
Extensions DotPlant2 may have their own migration. As a rule, they are located in src/migrations/
Create an empty migration in our expansion (working directory - application directly by the CMS, the way to expand above):
[12:46:51][~/git-my/dotplant2/application]on(master *)$ ./yii migrate/create --migrationPath=../../dotplant-wysiwyg-ckeditor/src/migrations initial
Yii Migration Tool (based on Yii v2.0.6-dev)
Create new migration '../../dotplant-wysiwyg-ckeditor/src/migrations/m150720_094657_initial.php'? (yes|no) [no]:y
New migration created successfully.
Now we have a new blank migration. Edit the file to add to the addition and removal (if migrate/down) the desired item:
public function up()
$this->insert('{{%wysiwyg}}', [
'name' => 'CKEditor',
'class_name' => 'mihaildev\ckeditor\CKEditor',
'params' => yii\helpers\Json::encode([
'editorOptions' => [
'preset' => 'full',
'configuration_model' => 'app\modules\core\models\WysiwygConfiguration\CKEditor',
'configuration_view' => '@ckeditor/views/ckeditor-config.php',
'module' => 'WysiwygCKEditor',
'sort_order' => 99,
'section_name' => 'CKEditor WYSIWYG',
'display_in_config' => 0,
public function down()
$this->delete('{{%wysiwyg}}', ['name' => 'CKEditor']);
$this->delete('{{%configurable}}', ['module' => 'WysiwygCKEditor']);
The structure of the recording wysiwyg:
- name - editor's name is displayed in WYSIWYG selection list in the settings
- class_name - the name of the widget class, the widget should extend
- params - the parameters of the widget, packed in json
- configuration_model - the name of the model class configuration widget
- configuration_view - the way to a widget configuration