A list of bugfix mods for 1.15.x forge/fabric versions.
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Name | Known Incompatibilities | Description | Author | Bugfixing | Label |
AntiGhost | Unknown | Removes all ghost blocks whithin a 4 block radius cube with press of a configurable key. | Giselbaer | Client | none |
Erroring Entity Remover | Unknown | Removes entities that throw errors and crash the game while ticking. | The_Fireplace | Both | Unstable (2) |
FastOpenLinksAndFolders | Unknown | Stops the game from freezing when opening external links or folders | altrisi | Client | none |
Fix Alt Gr | Unknown | Fixes the MC-127862 bug, which sometimes makes pressing the Alt Gr key lock your left control key. | MikolajKolek | Client | none |
IMBlocker | Unknown | IMBlocker is a mod which hides the IME (Input Method Editor) where entering text is not required. | mrjesen | Client | none |
Item Model Fix | Unknown | A Fabric mod that fixes gaps in generated item models. | Pepper | Client | none |
MC122477Fix | Unknown | A simple mod that fixes MC-122477, the random extra chat character on Unix-based systems. | SizableShrimp | Client | none |
No Weak Attack | Unknown | Cancels swinging at enemies if your cooldown isn't full | florensie | Client | none |
RandomPatches | Unknown | RandomPatches is a mod that contains a bunch of miscellaneous patches for Minecraft | TheRandomLabs | Both | none |
Semitranslucency Fix | Unknown | Allows resource packs to use semitranslucent textures. | ruvaldak | Client | none |
XL Packets Fabric | Unknown | Fixes MC-185901 by raising the packet size limit from 2MB to 2GB, so that servers with large datapacks, packets, etc don't kick the client. | tfarecnim | Both | none |
Name | Known Incompatibilities | Description | Author | Bugfixing | Label |
AntiGhost | Unknown | Removes all ghost blocks whithin a 4 block radius cube with press of a configurable key. | Giselbaer | Client | none |
AttributeFix | Unknown | Removes attribute caps, which can cause unintended behavior with some mods | DarkhaxDev | Server | none |
MC122477Fix | Unknown | A simple mod that fixes MC-122477, the random extra chat character on Unix-based systems. | SizableShrimp | Client | none |
NetherPortalFix | Unknown | Keeps track of what portals a player went through in order to ensure correct destinations when the player is going back through the same portals. | BlayTheNinth | Server | none |
RandomPatches | Unknown | RandomPatches is a mod that contains a bunch of miscellaneous patches for Minecraft | TheRandomLabs | Both | none |