Develop Tool Xcode
SDK description:
一:This SDK support two running modes:
1. real-time voice
Some participants entered one voice room. They can chat each other like with phone call.
2. offline voice
User can record his voice to a audio file with sdk, then sdk will store the file to server side and feedback a record url.
User can dispatch the record url to any users and they can playback the record url again.
二:This SDK support video conference and broadcast the conference to internet with rtmp stream or hls stream;
This SDK can only compile for iphone device(no simulator)
1. Inport reechat.framework into xcode project.
2. Ensure you have set -ObjC in the following field. (Build Settings->Other Linker Flags)
important: Please link these framwork or staic libs in Build Phases tab.
Please insert the two key-values into info.plist file,
Privacy – Microphone Usage Description
Privacy – Camera Usage Description
# Call this function in main thread
# ReeChatMain::sharedInstance().RegisterCallback(sdkCallBack);
This interface is used to register callback for the whole sdk. You must call it first before use any other interface.
# Call this function in main thread
ReeChatMain::sharedInstance().SetSdkParam("RoomServerAddr", "");
This interface is used to set your own pamramaters when you establish your own reechat server system.
RoomServerAddr: set your own gateway server dns or ip address.
VoiceUploadUrl: set your own record file upload url.
LiveServerAddr: set your live server dns or ip address.
# Call this function in main thread
ReeChatMain::sharedInstance().InitSDK(appid, appkey);
This interface is used to Initialize SDK
Parameters Description:
parameters | type | description |
appId | String | appId get from website |
key | String | appkey get from website |
# Call this function in main thread
ReeChatMain::sharedInstance().SetUserInfo(username, "");
# Call this function in main thread
# You should call this interface before request join room
ReeChatMain::sharedInstance().SetRoomType(kVoiceAndVideo|kMusicLowMark|kVideoLarge_veryHighDefinition|kConferenceNeedMix, 4);
Function prototype:
void SetRoomType(int media_type, int layout_mode);
Parameters Description:
parameters | type | description |
media_type | int | media type |
layout_mode | int | the parameter is used to define video layout mode |
media_type can be combine with the following enumeration value:
enum enMediaType
kVoiceOnly = 0x01,
kVideoOnly = 0x02,
kVoiceAndVideo = 0x03,
enum enMediaProperty
kVoiceLowMark = 0x00,
kVoiceMediumMark = 0x20,
kVoiceHighMark = 0x40,
kMusicLowMark = 0x60,
kMusicMediumMark = 0x80,
kMusicHighMark = 0xA0,
kVideoSmall_normalDefinition = 0x00,
kVideoSmall_highDefinition = 0x800,
kVideoSmall_veryHighDefinition = 0x1000,
kVideoMedium_normalDefinition = 0x1800,
kVideoMedium_highDefinition = 0x2000,
kVideoMedium_veryHighDefinition = 0x2800,
kVideoLarge_normalDefinition = 0x3000,
kVideoLarge_highDefinition = 0x3800,
kVideoLarge_veryHighDefinition = 0x4000
enum enConferenceProperty
kConferenceNormal = 0x00,
kConferenceNeedForward = 0x100,
kConferenceNeedMix = 0x200,
# Call this function in main thread
# Call this function in main thread
# The interface can only be called after joined room
# Call this function in main thread
# The interface can only be called after joined room
Parameters Description:
parameters | type | description |
volumeValue|float|value can choosed between 0 to 10
# Call this function in main thread
# Call this function in main thread
# Can only be called when being outside the conference room
Function ptototype:
int StartIMRecord(boolean needConvertWord,boolean isPersis, float scaleLevel);
Parameters Description:
parameters | type | description |
needConvertWord | boolean | whether translate voice to word |
isPersis | boolean | wheher Persistence the record file |
scaleLevel | float | alter the scale factor value,default value is 1.0 |
# Call this function in main thread
# Can only be called when being outside the conference room
# Call this function in main thread
# Can only be called when being outside the conference room
# Call this function in main thread
# Can only be called when being outside the conference room
Function prototype:
int StartPlayIMVoice(const char* voiceUrl);
Parameters Description:
parameters | type | description |
filePath | String | the record url from anther user |
# Call this function in main thread
# Can only be called when being outside the conference room
Function prototype:
int StopPlayIMVoice();
# Call this function in main thread
# The interface can only be called after joined room
# You can create multi views for video render, but you have the responsibility to destroy them.
# Call this function in main thread
# The interface can only be called after joined room
# You can create multi views for video render, but you have the responsibility to destroy them.
# Call this function in main thread
# The interface can only be called after joined room
ReeChatMain::sharedInstance().ObserverLocalVideoWindow(true, window_ptr);
Function prototype:
SdkErrorCode ObserverLocalVideoWindow(bool enable, void* ptrWindow = nullptr);
Parameters Description:
parameters | type | description |
enable | boolean | true:open remote video, false:close remote video |
ptrWindow | void* | The render view created by CreateAVideoWindow interface |
# Call this function in main thread
# The interface can only be called after joined room
Function prototype:
SdkErrorCode ObserverLocalVideoWindow(bool enable, void* ptrWindow = nullptr);
Parameters Description:
parameters | type | description |
enable | boolean | true:open remote video, false:close remote video |
ptrWindow | void* | The render view created by CreateAVideoWindow interface |
# Call this function in main thread
# The interface can only be called after joined room
Function prototype:
int StartSendVideo();
# Call this function in main thread
# The interface can only be called after joined room
Function prototype:
int StopSendVideo();
# Call this function in main thread
# Can only be called when being outside the conference room
ReeChatMain::sharedInstance().ObserverRemoteTargetVideoV1("", ovideoView);
Function prototype:
int ObserverRemoteTargetVideoV1(const char* userID, void* ptrWindow);
Parameters Description:
parameters | type | description |
userID | char* | design the specified user video stream, "" mean confenrence video stream |
ptrWindow | void* | The render view created by CreateAVideoWindow interface |
# Call this function in main thread
# Can only be called when being outside the conference room
ReeChatMain::sharedInstance().ObserverRemoteTargetVideoV1("", null);
Function prototype:
int ObserverRemoteTargetVideoV1(const char* userID, void* ptrWindow);
Parameters Description:
parameters | type | description |
userID | char* | design the specified user video stream, "" mean confenrence video stream |
ptrWindow | void* | nullptr will notify server to stop send video stream |
# Call this function in main thread
# Can only be called when being outside the conference room
Function prototype:
int SwitchVideoSource(enVideoSource sourceIndex, void* ptrScreenView = nullptr);
Parameters Description:
parameters | type | description |
sourceIndex | int | 1:front camera, 2:back camera, 3:screen share window, 4:video stream of local file, like mp4, mkv |
ptrScreenView | void* | user can specify the window being captured when sourceIndex is 3 |
# Call this function in main thread
# Can only be called when being outside the conference room
Function prototype:
void EnableBeautifyFilter(bool enabled);
Parameters Description:
parameters | type | description |
enabled | boolean | true:use beauty filter;false:unuse beauty filter |