In this unit we will extend our current skills to create a platformer.
We will cover the following :
- Creating a player controller.
- Animating objects in our scenes.
- Using the Unity Tile Editor to create a level.
- Creating a checkpoint system.
- Making a parallax background.
Once we've gone through all these tutorials, we will be creating a platformer. Perhaps this will be the next Mario.
All of this unit will be building off of the previous ones. You may have to refer back to those as we will not be going over things like a health script or player input again.
Don't worry as a lot of the scripts will work here with only minor modification.
To complete this unit you will have to do the following :
- Go through all tutorials in this unit.
- Write a proposal and plan a final platformer game.
- Create a platformer game with animations, jumping, and fun gameplay.