Yet another Monkey interpreter & compiler implementation in Rust, based on Thorsten Ball's Writing An Interpreter In Go and Writing A Compiler In Go books.
- Tokenizer
- Parser
- Lexer
- Evaluator
- Compiler
- SymbolTable
- VirtualMachine
- Builtin Functions
- Functions & Closures
- Read–Eval–Print Loop
1. Install rustup
$ cargo test --all
$ cargo run --bin monkey
Monkey Compiler v0.2.0
>>> "Hello, " + "World!"
Hello, World!
[1, 2 * 2, 3 + 3]
let identity = fn(x) { x; }; identity(7); //7
let add = fn(a, b) { a + b };
let sub = fn(a, b) { a - b };
let applyFunc = fn(a, b, func) {
func(a, b)
applyFunc(10, 2, sub); //8
if (x < y) { z } else { w }
if (2 > 1) { if (3 > 1) { return 7; } return 0; }
{"one": 0 + 1, "two": 10 - 8, "ten": 50 / 5}
let arr = [1, 2 * 2, 3 + 3] //arr[1 + 1] => returns 6
3 + 4 * 5 == 3 * 1 + 4 * 5 //((3 + (4 * 5)) == ((3 * 1) + (4 * 5)))
if (10 > 1) { if (10 > 1) { return true + false; } return 1; } //unknown operator: BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN
let newAdder = fn(x) { fn(y) { x + y } }; let addTwo = newAdder(2); x //identifier not found: x
let map = fn(arr, f) {
let iter = fn(arr, accumulated) {
if (len(arr) == 0) {
} else {
iter(rest(arr), push(accumulated, f(first(arr))));
iter(arr, []);
let a = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let double = fn(x) { x * 2 };
map(a, double);
let people = [{"name": "Alice", "age": 24}, {"name": "Anna", "age": 28}];
let getAge = fn(person) { person["name"]; };
return getAge(people[0]) + getAge(people[1]);
$ cargo run --release --bin benchmark -- --vm
$ cargo run --release --bin benchmark -- --eval
- Impl Compiler
- Impl VM
- Add Pipeline with Stages:
- Optimize overall performance
- Fix
MIT License (LICENSE).