- Upgrading from Azure Local 22H2
In this lab you will learn how to upgrade Azure Local from versinon 22H2 to 23H2.
This lab assumes the most challenging approach - CAU upgrade not working (as I was not able to make it work anyway), NetATC not present (there is more complex process to make sure all VMs are running)
You will learn how to upgrade OS from install media, how to transition from traditional networking to NetworkATC while keeping all VMs up and running and how to onboard cluster to modern Lifecycle Management (23H2)
Official Dell KB https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000259175/upgrade-azure-local-version-22h2-to-azure-local-version-23h2
Official Microsoft Documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-local/upgrade/about-upgrades-23h2
Always make sure you have backup of your VMS!
Hydrated MSLab with LabConfig from 01-HydrateMSLab
Understand how MSLab works
Azure Local (Azure Stack HCI) 22H2 parent disk (see code below to be able to download ISO) and guide on how to create parent disk
Here is some sample for downloading 22H2 parent disk. You can then create parent disk using 22H2 ISO, so you can deploy 22H2 with MSLab
#Download files
$Files+=@{Uri="https://software-static.download.prss.microsoft.com/dbazure/888969d5-f34g-4e03-ac9d-1f9786c66750/AzureStackHCI_20349.1607_en-us.iso" ; FileName="AzureStackHCI_20349.1607_en-us.iso" ; Description="Azure Stack HCI 22H2 ISO"}
#$Files+=@{Uri="https://software-static.download.prss.microsoft.com/dbazure/888969d5-f34g-4e03-ac9d-1f9786c66749/25398.469.231004-1141.zn_release_svc_refresh_SERVERAZURESTACKHCICOR_OEMRET_x64FRE_en-us.iso" ; FileName="25398.469.231004-1141.zn_release_svc_refresh_SERVERAZURESTACKHCICOR_OEMRET_x64FRE_en-us.iso" ; Description="Azure Stack HCI 23H2 ISO"}
foreach ($file in $files){
if (-not (Test-Path "$downloadfolder\$($file.filename)")){
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $file.uri -Destination "$downloadfolder\$($file.filename)" -DisplayName "Downloading: $($file.filename)"
$LabConfig=@{ DomainAdminName='LabAdmin'; AdminPassword='LS1setup!'; DCEdition='4'; Internet=$true ; VMs=@()}
#with nested virtualization disabled
#1..2 | ForEach-Object {$LABConfig.VMs += @{ VMName = "ASNode$_" ; Configuration = 'S2D' ; ParentVHD = 'AzSHCI22H2_G2.vhdx'; HDDNumber = 12; HDDSize= 4TB ; MemoryStartupBytes= 1GB}}
#with nested virtualization enabled
1..2 | ForEach-Object {$LABConfig.VMs += @{ VMName = "ASNode$_" ; Configuration = 'S2D' ; ParentVHD = 'AzSHCI22H2_G2.vhdx' ; HDDNumber = 12; HDDSize= 4TB ; MemoryStartupBytes= 24GB; VMProcessorCount="MAX" ; vTPM=$true ; NestedVirt=$true}}
#optional Windows Admin Center gateway
$LabConfig.VMs += @{ VMName = 'WACGW' ; ParentVHD = 'Win2025Core_G2.vhdx' ; MGMTNICs=1 }
#management machine
$LabConfig.VMs += @{ VMName = 'Management' ; ParentVHD = 'Win2025_G2.vhdx' ; MGMTNICs=1 ; AddToolsVHD=$True }
Simply follow this script to install cluster. Run the script from the Management machine. The best way is to run it region by region by pasting it from PowerShell ISE to PowerShell window
This script will setup 2 node Azure Local (Azure Stack HCI) 22H2 with traditional networking, 2 volumes and some VMs connected to virtual switch. Cluster will be also registered into Azure.
Documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-local/upgrade/upgrade-22h2-to-23h2-powershell
My experience was, that the process never finished and never updated node.
#make sure failover clustering management tools are installed on management machine
Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-Clustering,RSAT-Clustering-Mgmt,RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell
$Servers=(Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $ClusterName).Name
#first test CAU (note that fw rules are missing)
$Test=Test-CauSetup -ClusterName $ClusterName
$Test | Format-Table -AutoSize
#since this is fresh cluster, let's configure remote shutdown firewall rule (optional as you can enable firewall rules in CAU Run)
Enable-NetFirewallrule -Cimsession $Servers -Name "Wininit-Shutdown-In-Rule-TCP-RPC","Wininit-Shutdown-In-Rule-TCP-RPC-EPMapper"
#test CAU again
$Test=Test-CauSetup -ClusterName $ClusterName
$Test | Format-Table -AutoSize
#Check OS version before CAU run
#check OS Build Number
$RegistryPath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\'
$ComputersInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
Get-ItemProperty -Path $using:RegistryPath
$ComputersInfo | Select-Object PSComputerName,CurrentBuildNumber,DisplayVersion,UBR
#invoke CAU Scan run to upgrade OS
Invoke-CauScan -ClusterName $ClusterName -CauPluginName "Microsoft.RollingUpgradePlugin" -CauPluginArguments @{'WuConnected'='true';} -Verbose | Format-List *
#invoke CAU run
Invoke-CauRun -ClusterName $ClusterName -CauPluginName "Microsoft.RollingUpgradePlugin" -CauPluginArguments @{'WuConnected'='true';} -Verbose -EnableFirewallRules -Force -MaxFailedNodes 0 -RequireAllNodesOnline
#note: you can also run update from media located on file share with following cau argunemts: -CauPluginArguments @{ 'WuConnected'='false';'PathToSetupMedia'='\some\path\';}
#Check OS version again
#check OS Build Number
$RegistryPath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\'
$ComputersInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
Get-ItemProperty -Path $using:RegistryPath
$ComputersInfo | Select-Object PSComputerName,CurrentBuildNumber,DisplayVersion,UBR
#Download files
#$Files+=@{Uri="https://software-static.download.prss.microsoft.com/dbazure/888969d5-f34g-4e03-ac9d-1f9786c66750/AzureStackHCI_20349.1607_en-us.iso" ; FileName="AzureStackHCI_20349.1607_en-us.iso" ; Description="Azure Stack HCI 22H2 ISO"}
$Files+=@{Uri="https://software-static.download.prss.microsoft.com/dbazure/888969d5-f34g-4e03-ac9d-1f9786c66749/25398.469.231004-1141.zn_release_svc_refresh_SERVERAZURESTACKHCICOR_OEMRET_x64FRE_en-us.iso" ; FileName="AzureStackHCI23H2.iso" ; Description="Azure Stack HCI 23H2 ISO"}
foreach ($file in $files){
if (-not (Test-Path "$downloadfolder\$($file.filename)")){
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $file.uri -Destination "$downloadfolder\$($file.filename)" -DisplayName "Downloading: $($file.filename)"
#First create temp folder
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Servers -ScriptBlock {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name Temp -Path c:\
#mount Azure Stack HCI ISO
$Mount=Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $ISOLocation -PassThru
$DriveLetter = (Get-Volume -DiskImage $Mount).DriveLetter
#Copy content to servers
#Create folder first
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Servers -ScriptBlock {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name 23H2 -Path c:\Temp
#Copy media
Foreach ($Server in $Servers){
Copy-Item -Path "$DriveLetter`:\*" -Destination "\\$Server\C$\Temp\23H2\" -Recurse
Since CAU run was not working, let's update using media.
Update will be performed using SETUP.exe. If you are scared of powershell, simply run setup.exe from c:\temp\23H2\ while logged in the node. (& c:\temp\23H2\setup.exe /auto upgrade /EULA Accept /DynamicUpdate disable)
Note: drain will fail in Virtual environment as VMs for some reason recognize different CPU after upgrade
$Servers=(Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $ClusterName).Name
#for some reason VMs wont live migrate from 23H2 to 22H2 in virtual environment ("incompatible cpu"), so we'll simply shut down all VMs
#since VMs are blank, we'll turn it off (like unplugging powercord)
Stop-VM -VMName * -CimSession $Servers -TurnOff
foreach ($Server in $Servers){
#make sure there are no jobs
$jobs=(Get-StorageSubSystem -CimSession $ClusterName -FriendlyName Clus* | Get-StorageJob -CimSession $ClusterName)
if ($jobs | Where-Object Name -eq Repair){
$count=($jobs | Measure-Object).count
$BytesTotal=($jobs | Measure-Object BytesTotal -Sum).Sum
$BytesProcessed=($jobs | Measure-Object BytesProcessed -Sum).Sum
[System.Console]::Write("$count Repair Storage Job(s) Running. GBytes Processed: $($BytesProcessed/1GB) GBytes Total: $($BytesTotal/1GB) `r")
#Check for Suspended jobs (if there are no running repair jobs, only suspended and still unhealthy disks). Kick the repair with Repair-Virtual disk if so...
if ((($jobs | where-Object Name -eq Repair | where-Object JobState -eq "Running") -eq $Null) -and ($jobs | where-Object Name -eq Repair | where-Object JobState -eq "Suspended") -and (Get-VirtualDisk -CimSession $ClusterName | where healthstatus -ne Healthy)){
Write-Output "Suspended repair job and Degraded virtual disk found. Invoking Virtual Disk repair"
Get-VirtualDisk -CimSession $ClusterName | where-Object HealthStatus -ne "Healthy" | Repair-VirtualDisk
Start-Sleep 5
}until (($jobs | Where-Object Name -eq Repair) -eq $null)
#Check if all disks are healthy. Wait if not
Write-Output "$(get-date -Format 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt') $($Node): Checking if all disks are healthy"
if (Get-VirtualDisk -CimSession $ClusterName | Where-Object HealthStatus -ne "Healthy"){
Write-Output "$(get-date -Format 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt') $($Node): Waiting for virtual disks to become healthy"
do{Start-Sleep 5}while(Get-VirtualDisk -CimSession $ClusterName | Where-Object HealthStatus -ne "Healthy")
#Check if all fault domains are healthy. Wait if not
Write-Output "$(get-date -Format 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt') $($Node): Checking if all fault domains are healthy"
if (Get-StorageFaultDomain -CimSession $ClusterName | Where-Object HealthStatus -ne "Healthy"){
Write-Output "$(get-date -Format 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt') $($Node): Waiting for fault domains to become healthy"
do{Start-Sleep 5}while(Get-StorageFaultDomain -CimSession $ClusterName | Where-Object HealthStatus -ne "Healthy")
#make sure all nodes are up before suspending node
if (Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $ClusterName | Where-Object State -ne up){
Write-Output "Some nodes are not up. Skipping updates"
#proceed with suspending one node
Suspend-ClusterNode -Name $Server -Cluster $ClusterName -Drain -Wait
#initiate update
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock {
Start-Process -FilePath c:\temp\23H2\Setup.exe -ArgumentList "/auto upgrade /EULA Accept /DynamicUpdate disable" -WorkingDirectory c:\Temp\23H2\ -Wait
#now wait for computer to boot and check if version is 23H2
Start-Sleep 10
do{$Test= Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $Server -CommonTCPPort WINRM}while ($test.TcpTestSucceeded -eq $False)
#check if computer is 23H2 already
Start-Sleep 5
$ComputerInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock {
Get-ItemProperty -Path $using:RegistryPath
$ComputerInfo | Select-Object PSComputerName,CurrentBuildNumber,DisplayVersion,UBR
}while ($ComputerInfo.DisplayVersion -ne "23H2")
#check if install is finished
Start-Sleep 5
$Windeploy=Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock {get-process windeploy -ErrorAction Ignore}
}while ($Windeploy -ne $Null)
#now you can resume node
Resume-ClusterNode -Name $Server -Cluster $ClusterName
You can now check versions
#Check OS version
#check OS Build Number
$RegistryPath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\'
$ComputersInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
Get-ItemProperty -Path $using:RegistryPath
$ComputersInfo | Select-Object PSComputerName,CurrentBuildNumber,DisplayVersion,UBR
Update-ClusterFunctionalLevel -Cluster $ClusterName -Force
Get-StoragePool -CimSession $ClusterName -IsPrimordial $False | Update-StoragePool -Confirm:0
Since renaming vSwitch when VMs are connected to that vSwitch is breaking operation, it would be easiest to have old and new vSwitch in one moment, so you can switch all VMs in the same moment. For this transition, we would use one NIC in each node for "old" vswitch and one for "new" vswitch for transition phase.
$Servers=(Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $ClusterName).Name
$pNICNames="Ethernet","Ethernet 2"
$Stornet1StartIP=1 #Start IP Stornet 1
$Stornet2StartIP=1 #Start IP Stornet 2
#first Install NetATC and stop service on all nodes to prevent creating NetIntent where you dont want to.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Servers -ScriptBlock {
Install-WindowsFeature -Name NetworkATC
Set-Service -Name NetworkATC -StartupType Disabled
Stop-Service -Name NetworkATC
#Also make sure other important features are installed
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Servers -ScriptBlock {
Install-WindowsFeature -Name Data-Center-Bridging,RSAT-DataCenterBridging-LLDP-Tools,Hyper-V-PowerShell, RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell
#since we are now on Windows Server 2025, we can install NetATC here to be able to manage intents
Install-WindowsFeature -Name NetworkATC
#since NetATC is stopped, we can create Network Intent without applying it to nodes (assuming you are using default QoS settings - you also might need to change cluster class number (in NetATC it's 7, older guides were configuring 5))
#virtual environment (skipping RDMA config)
$AdapterOverride = New-NetIntentAdapterPropertyOverrides
$AdapterOverride.NetworkDirect = 0
#Disable Automatic IPs (assuming subnets were manually set)
$StorageOverride =New-NetIntentStorageOverrides
#Add intent (just for first NIC)
Add-NetIntent -ClusterName $ClusterName -Name compute_management_storage -Compute -Management -Storage -AdapterName $pNICNames[0] -AdapterPropertyOverrides $AdapterOverride -StorageVlans $StorageVLANs[0] -StorageOverrides $StorageOverrides -Verbose
#first you need to suspend node, then remove vswitch (this will break SBL, that's why you need to suspend)
foreach ($Server in $Servers){
#make sure there are no jobs
$jobs=(Get-StorageSubSystem -CimSession $ClusterName -FriendlyName Clus* | Get-StorageJob -CimSession $ClusterName)
if ($jobs | Where-Object Name -eq Repair){
$count=($jobs | Measure-Object).count
$BytesTotal=($jobs | Measure-Object BytesTotal -Sum).Sum
$BytesProcessed=($jobs | Measure-Object BytesProcessed -Sum).Sum
[System.Console]::Write("$count Repair Storage Job(s) Running. GBytes Processed: $($BytesProcessed/1GB) GBytes Total: $($BytesTotal/1GB) `r")
#Check for Suspended jobs (if there are no running repair jobs, only suspended and still unhealthy disks). Kick the repair with Repair-Virtual disk if so...
if ((($jobs | where-Object Name -eq Repair | where-Object JobState -eq "Running") -eq $Null) -and ($jobs | where-Object Name -eq Repair | where-Object JobState -eq "Suspended") -and (Get-VirtualDisk -CimSession $ClusterName | where healthstatus -ne Healthy)){
Write-Output "Suspended repair job and Degraded virtual disk found. Invoking Virtual Disk repair"
Get-VirtualDisk -CimSession $ClusterName | where-Object HealthStatus -ne "Healthy" | Repair-VirtualDisk
Start-Sleep 5
}until (($jobs | Where-Object Name -eq Repair) -eq $null)
#Check if all disks are healthy. Wait if not
Write-Output "$(get-date -Format 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt') $($Node): Checking if all disks are healthy"
if (Get-VirtualDisk -CimSession $ClusterName | Where-Object HealthStatus -ne "Healthy"){
Write-Output "$(get-date -Format 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt') $($Node): Waiting for virtual disks to become healthy"
do{Start-Sleep 5}while(Get-VirtualDisk -CimSession $ClusterName | Where-Object HealthStatus -ne "Healthy")
#Check if all fault domains are healthy. Wait if not
Write-Output "$(get-date -Format 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt') $($Node): Checking if all fault domains are healthy"
if (Get-StorageFaultDomain -CimSession $ClusterName | Where-Object HealthStatus -ne "Healthy"){
Write-Output "$(get-date -Format 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt') $($Node): Waiting for fault domains to become healthy"
do{Start-Sleep 5}while(Get-StorageFaultDomain -CimSession $ClusterName | Where-Object HealthStatus -ne "Healthy")
#make sure all nodes are up before suspending node
if (Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $ClusterName | Where-Object State -ne up){
Write-Output "Some nodes are not up. Skipping updates"
Suspend-ClusterNode -Name $Server -Cluster $ClusterName -Drain -Wait
#in this case, removing vmswitch will return first pNIC it's configuration, so node will keep running
Remove-VMSwitch -CimSession $Server -Name $vSwitchName -Force
#remove all QoS
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock {
Get-NetQosTrafficClass | Remove-NetQosTrafficClass
Get-NetQosPolicy | Remove-NetQosPolicy -Confirm:$false
Get-NetQosFlowControl | Disable-NetQosFlowControl
#start NetATC
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock {
Set-Service -Name NetworkATC -StartupType Automatic
Start-Service -Name NetworkATC
#check Intent Status and wait for it to finish
do{Start-Sleep 5}while((Get-NetIntentStatus -ClusterName $ClusterName | Where-Object Host -eq $Server).ConfigurationStatus -ne "Success")
#configure IP Address
Get-NetAdapter -CimSession $Server -Name "vSMB(*#$($pNicNames[0]))" | New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress ($StorNet1+$Stornet1StartIP.ToString()) -PrefixLength 24
#now you can create vswitch from second NIC so you can live migrate VMs
New-VMSwitch -CimSession $Server -Name $vSwitchName -AllowManagementOS $false -NetAdapterName $pNICNames[1]
#and resume cluster node
Resume-ClusterNode -Name $Server -Cluster $ClusterName
#now you can connect all vNICs to new vSwitch
Get-VMNetworkAdapter -CimSession $Servers -VMName * | Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -SwitchName "ConvergedSwitch(compute_management_storage)"
Start-Sleep 5
#and once VMs are connected to new switch, old switch can be removed
Remove-VMSwitch -CimSession $Servers -Name $vSwitchName -Force
#and now the intent can be modified with both physical NICs and both VLANs
Remove-NetIntent -Name compute_management_storage -ClusterName $ClusterName
#virtual environment (skipping RDMA config)
$AdapterOverride = New-NetIntentAdapterPropertyOverrides
$AdapterOverride.NetworkDirect = 0
#Disable Automatic IPs (assuming subnets were manually set)
$StorageOverride =New-NetIntentStorageOverrides
Add-NetIntent -ClusterName $ClusterName -Name compute_management_storage -Compute -Management -Storage -AdapterName $pNICNames -AdapterPropertyOverrides $AdapterOverride -StorageVlans $StorageVLANs -StorageOverrides $StorageOverrides -Verbose
#wait for intent to finish
do{Start-Sleep 5}while((Get-NetIntentStatus -ClusterName $ClusterName).ConfigurationStatus -contains "Provisioning")
#and configure static IP for second storage adapter
foreach ($Server in $Servers){
Get-NetAdapter -CimSession $Server -Name "vSMB(*#$($pNicNames[1]))" | New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress ($StorNet2+$Stornet2StartIP.ToString()) -PrefixLength 24
For some reason 10.71.1.x and 10.71.2.x IP addresses were configured even we configured EnableAutomaticIPGeneration to be false. Let's remove it
Get-NetIPAddress -CimSession $Servers -IPAddress "10.71.*" | Remove-NetIPAddress -Confirm:0
As result, you will have your cluster with all networks managed with NetATC
#install powershell module
Install-Module -Name AzStackHci.EnvironmentChecker -AllowClobber -Force
#run checker
$PSSessions=New-PSSession $Servers
Invoke-AzStackHciUpgradeValidation -PsSession $PSSessions
#make sure all features are present
$windowsFeatures = @(
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Servers -ScriptBlock {
Install-WindowsFeature -Name $using:windowsFeatures -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools
$windowsOptionalFeatures = @(
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName $using:windowsOptionalFeatures -All -Online
Failed test - missing features
Successful test - features installed
$SecuredPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $LCMPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$LCMCredentials= New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($LCMUserName,$SecuredPassword)
#install posh module for prestaging Active Directory
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force
Install-Module AsHciADArtifactsPreCreationTool -Repository PSGallery -Force
#make sure active directory module and GPMC is installed
Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-AD-PowerShell,GPMC
#populate objects
New-HciAdObjectsPreCreation -AzureStackLCMUserCredential $LCMCredentials -AsHciOUName $AsHCIOUName
#move computer objects to new OU
$Servers=(Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $ClusterName).Name
Get-ADObject -Filter "name -eq `'$ClusterName`' -and objectclass -eq 'computer'" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $AsHCIOUName
Foreach ($Server in $Servers){
Get-ADObject -Filter "name -eq `'$Server`'" | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $AsHCIOUName
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ClusterName -ScriptBlock {