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zipkin-server is a Spring Boot application, packaged as an executable jar. You need JRE 8+ to start zipkin-server.

Span storage and collectors are configurable. By default, storage is in-memory, the http collector (POST /spans endpoint) is enabled, and the server listens on port 9411.


The following endpoints are defined for Zipkin:

  • / - UI
  • /config.json - Configuration for the UI
  • /api/v1 - Api
  • /health - Returns 200 status if OK
  • /metrics - Includes collector metrics broken down by transport type

There are more built-in endpoints provided by Spring Boot, such as /metrics. To comprehensively list endpoints, GET /mappings.

Running locally

To run the server from the currently checked out source, enter the following.

# Build the server and also make its dependencies
$ ./mvnw -DskipTests --also-make -pl zipkin-server clean install
# Run the server
$ java -jar ./zipkin-server/target/zipkin-server-*exec.jar


By default, zipkin writes log messages to the console at INFO level and above. You can adjust categories using the --logging.level.XXX parameter, or by adjusting yaml configuration.

For example, if you want to enable debug logging for all zipkin categories, you can start the server like so:

$ java -jar ./zipkin-server/target/zipkin-server-*exec.jar --logging.level.zipkin=DEBUG


Metrics are exported to the path /metrics and extend defaults reported by spring-boot.


Collector metrics are broken down by transport. The following are exported to the "/metrics" endpoint:

Metric Description
counter.zipkin_collector.messages.$transport cumulative messages received; should relate to messages reported by instrumented apps
counter.zipkin_collector.messages_dropped.$transport cumulative messages dropped; reasons include client disconnects or malformed content
counter.zipkin_collector.bytes.$transport cumulative message bytes
counter.zipkin_collector.spans.$transport cumulative spans read; should relate to messages reported by instrumented apps
counter.zipkin_collector.spans_dropped.$transport cumulative spans dropped; reasons include sampling or storage failures
gauge.zipkin_collector.message_spans.$transport last count of spans in a message
gauge.zipkin_collector.message_bytes.$transport last count of bytes in a message


Self tracing exists to help troubleshoot performance of the zipkin-server.

When Brave dependencies are in the classpath, and zipkin.self-tracing.enabled=true, Zipkin will self-trace calls to the api.

yaml configuration binds the following environment variables to spring properties:

Variable Property Description
SELF_TRACING_ENABLED zipkin.self-tracing.enabled Set to false to disable self-tracing. Defaults to true
SELF_TRACING_FLUSH_INTERVAL zipkin.self-tracing.flush-interval Interval in seconds to flush self-tracing data to storage. Defaults to 1

Configuration for the UI

Zipkin has a web UI, which is enabled by default when you depend on io.zipkin:zipkin-ui. This UI is automatically included in the exec jar, and is hosted by default on port 9411.

When the UI loads, it reads default configuration from the /config.json endpoint. These values can be overridden by system properties or any other alternative supported by Spring Boot.

Attribute Property Description
environment zipkin.ui.environment The value here becomes a label in the top-right corner. Not required.
defaultLookback zipkin.ui.default-lookback Default duration in millis to look back when finding traces or dependency links. Affects the "Start time" element in the UI. Defaults to 604800000 (7 days in millis).
queryLimit zipkin.ui.query-limit Default limit for Find Traces. Defaults to 10.
instrumented zipkin.ui.instrumented Which sites this Zipkin UI covers. Regex syntax. e.g. http:\/\/\/.* Defaults to match all websites (.*).

For example, if using docker you can set ZIPKIN_UI_QUERY_LIMIT=100 to affect $.queryLimit in /config.json.

Environment Variables

zipkin-server is a drop-in replacement for the scala query service.

yaml configuration binds the following environment variables from zipkin-scala:

* `QUERY_PORT`: Listen port for the http api and web ui; Defaults to 9411
* `QUERY_LOG_LEVEL`: Log level written to the console; Defaults to INFO
* `QUERY_LOOKBACK`: How many milliseconds queries look back from endTs; Defaults to 7 days
* `STORAGE_TYPE`: SpanStore implementation: one of `mem`, `mysql`, `cassandra`, `elasticsearch`
* `COLLECTOR_PORT`: Listen port for the scribe thrift api; Defaults to 9410 
* `COLLECTOR_SAMPLE_RATE`: Percentage of traces to retain, defaults to always sample (1.0).

Cassandra Storage

Zipkin's Cassandra storage component supports version 2.2+ and applies when STORAGE_TYPE is set to cassandra:

* `CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE`: The keyspace to use. Defaults to "zipkin".
* `CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS`: Comma separated list of hosts / ip addresses part of Cassandra cluster. Defaults to localhost
* `CASSANDRA_LOCAL_DC`: Name of the datacenter that will be considered "local" for latency load balancing. When unset, load-balancing is round-robin.
* `CASSANDRA_MAX_CONNECTIONS`: Max pooled connections per datacenter-local host. Defaults to 8
* `CASSANDRA_ENSURE_SCHEMA`: Ensuring cassandra has the latest schema. If enabled tries to execute scripts in the classpath prefixed with `cassandra-schema-cql3`. Defaults to true
* `CASSANDRA_USERNAME` and `CASSANDRA_PASSWORD`: Cassandra authentication. Will throw an exception on startup if authentication fails. No default

Example usage:

$ STORAGE_TYPE=cassandra CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS=host1,host2 java -jar ./zipkin-server/target/zipkin-server-*exec.jar

MySQL Storage

The following apply when STORAGE_TYPE is set to mysql:

* `MYSQL_DB`: The database to use. Defaults to "zipkin".
* `MYSQL_USER` and `MYSQL_PASS`: MySQL authentication, which defaults to empty string.
* `MYSQL_HOST`: Defaults to localhost
* `MYSQL_TCP_PORT`: Defaults to 3306
* `MYSQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS`: Maximum concurrent connections, defaults to 10
* `MYSQL_USE_SSL`: Requires `` and ``, defaults to false.

Example usage:

$ STORAGE_TYPE=mysql MYSQL_USER=root java -jar ./zipkin-server/target/zipkin-server-*exec.jar

Elasticsearch Storage

The following apply when STORAGE_TYPE is set to elasticsearch:

* `ES_CLUSTER`: The name of the elasticsearch cluster to connect to. Defaults to "elasticsearch".
* `ES_HOSTS`: A comma separated list of elasticsearch hostnodes to connect to, in host:port
              format. The port should be the transport port, not the http port. Defaults to
              "localhost:9300". Only one of these hosts needs to be available to fetch the
              remaining nodes in the cluster. It is recommended to set this to all the master
              nodes of the cluster.
* `ES_INDEX`: The index prefix to use when generating daily index names. Defaults to zipkin.

Example usage:

$ STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch ES_CLUSTER=monitoring ES_HOSTS=host1:9300,host2:9300 java -jar ./zipkin-server/target/zipkin-server-*exec.jar

Scribe Collector

The Scribe collector is enabled by default, configured by the following:

* `COLLECTOR_PORT`: Listen port for the scribe thrift api; Defaults to 9410

Kafka Collector

This collector remains a Kafka 0.8.x consumer, while Zipkin systems update to 0.9+.

The following apply when KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER is set:

* `KAFKA_TOPIC`: Topic zipkin spans will be consumed from. Defaults to "zipkin"
* `KAFKA_STREAMS`: Count of threads/streams consuming the topic. Defaults to 1

Settings below correspond to "Old Consumer Configs" in Kafka documentation

Variable Old Consumer Config Description
KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER zookeeper.connect The zookeeper connect string, ex. No default
KAFKA_GROUP_ID The consumer group this process is consuming on behalf of. Defaults to "zipkin"
KAFKA_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE fetch.message.max.bytes Maximum size of a message containing spans in bytes. Defaults to 1 MiB

Example usage:

$ KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER= java -jar ./zipkin-server/target/zipkin-server-*exec.jar

Example targeting Kafka running in Docker:

$ export KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER=$(docker-machine ip `docker-machine active`)
# Run Kafka in the background
$ docker run -d -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 \
    --env AUTO_CREATE_TOPICS=true \
# Start the zipkin server, which reads $KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER
$ java -jar ./zipkin-server/target/zipkin-server-*exec.jar

Running with Docker

Released versions of zipkin-server are published to Docker Hub as openzipkin/zipkin. See docker-zipkin-java for details.