This folder contains the Military Features Data for the MIL-STD-2525C ("Charlie") version of the standard. For more information on Military Features and as a starting point, see the ArcGIS Military Features Help Documentation. For more information on the standard, see the official standard documents
- ArcGIS Desktop
- lpks - Military Features schema and sample data
- stylefiles (and serverstylefiles) - Military Features symbols
- ArcGIS Runtime
- dictionary - Military Features symbol dictionary
- messagetypes - Message Processor files
- ArcGIS Professional
- Other support data
The purpose of this section is to quickly capture and clarify any unique usage issues that users of this data have encountered. It provides some usage and supplemental information as well as tips and tricks for using this data.
The symbol dictionary file is generated directly from Military Features feature classes. Some tips for using the symbol dictionary file are included in this section. The symbol dictionary file is here.
You may view the symbol dictionary file with any SQLite viewer. Note: some viewers have difficulties showing multi-line text data such as the label drawing rules so you should pick a viewer that supports this if you need to view the label rules.
While in general we strongly discourage editing the symbol dictionary database file, we recognize that special needs and requirements may arise. Please be advised that these edits aren't supported and that use or modificaton of this data remains governed by the Apache V2 license.
Example: Suppose you would like to replace the Friendly Blue
icons with Lime Green
ones, you might run an update query:
UPDATE SymbolInfo SET Json = REPLACE(Json, '128,224,255,255', '224,255,128,255') WHERE (Json LIKE '%128,224,255,255%')
The symbol dictionary allows users to set various modifier fields to add labels around a symbol. For example, developers using ArcGIS Runtime's MessageProcessor can call [Message.setProperty(String, String)](, java.lang.Object)) to set labels for the symbol.
The following modifier fields are supported in the current symbol dictionary. Use the string in the first column when calling Message.setProperty. Important Note: where available, you should set the fields specified by the constant fields in the MessageHelper class or let MessageHelper set them for you; those fields are not part of MIL-STD-2525C but are required by the MessageProcessor.
To view the Label Rules and associations, view the symbol dictionary table "Label Rules." The following table lists the Modifier definitions from 2525C and their corresponding attributes in the symbol dictionary.
Property Name | 2525C Field ID | 2525C Field Title | Notes |
additionalinfo2 | H2 | Additional Information 2 | Used in the Convoys and Airspace Coordination Area tactical graphics. |
additionalinformation | H | Additional Information | |
combateffectiveness | K | Combat Effectiveness | |
commonidentifier | AF | Common Identifier | |
credibility | J | Evaluation Rating | Credibility rating is second character of Evaluation Rating (J) field. |
datetimeexpired | W | Date-Time Group (DTG) | Second half of Date-Time Group (DTG) (W) field. |
datetimevalid | W | Date-Time Group (DTG) | First half of Date-Time Group (DTG) (W) field. |
distance | AM | Distance | |
equipmentteardowntime | AE | Equipment Teardown Time | |
higherformation | M | Higher Formation | |
iff_sif | P | IFF/SIF | |
platformtype | AD | Platform Type | |
quantity | C | Quantity | |
reinforced | F | Reinforced or Reduced | |
reliability | J | Evaluation Rating | Reliability rating is first character of Evaluation Rating (J) field. |
sigintmobility | R2 | SIGINT Mobility Indicator | |
signatureequipment | L | Signature Equipment | |
speed | Z | Speed | |
staffcomment | G | Staff Comments | |
type | V | Type | |
uniquedesignation | T | Unique Designation | |
uniquedesignation2 | T2 | Unique Designation 2 | Used as an additional field for Fire Support Lines tactical graphics. |
x | Y | Location | Longitude in degrees. |
y | Y | Location | Latitude in degrees. |
z | X | Altitude/Depth | |
zmax | X | Altitude/Depth | Maximum altitude for aviation tactical graphics. |
zmin | X | Altitude/Depth | Minimum altitude for aviation tactical graphics. |
Note: Detailed label field descriptions with graphics are also shown in this Military Features Blog Post
The control measure line/area symbols that have unique point ordering and/or transformation rules defined in 2525C are captured in the symbol dictionary table "LnAExceptions." Use this table to determine at a glance which symbols have these special drawing rules. If you do not require these rules/transformations, you may be able to edit/modify this table to meet your specific needs. More information on these exception lines/areas can be found documented here.
If you view the table "LnAExceptions" (see above) you will see 2 particular columns of interest "Significant8Chars" and "GCT." "Significant8Chars" defines the middle (characters 3-10) part of the symbol ID that is significant for control measure lines/areas. These are the defined exception rules/enumerations in the "GCT" column: GCT_INDETERMINATE, GCT_ARROW, GCT_ARROWWITHOFFSET, GCT_ARROWWITHTAIL, GCT_CIRCLE, GCT_CIRCULAR, GCT_FREEHANDARROW, GCT_FREEHANDLINE, GCT_FREEHANDREVERSEARROW, GCT_FREEHANDU, GCT_HOOK, GCT_HORNS, GCT_OPENTRIANGLE, GCT_PARALLELLINES, GCT_PARALLELLINESMIDLINE, GCT_PARALLELLINESWITHTICKS, GCT_RECTANGULAR, GCT_RECTANGULAR1PT, GCT_T, GCT_TRIPLEARROW, GCT_TWOLINE, GCT_TWOLINE3OR4PT, GCT_UORTSHAPE
There are 3 additional enumerations: GCT_POINT, GCT_POLYLINE, GCT_POLYGON
that indicate no transformation is required. For more infomation on these rules consult the particular symbol in the standard. There is also a python class here that implements these transformations if you prefer to see them in code.
To modify this table (after you re-consult the warning here), in a SQLite viewer/editor of your choice, edit either the "Significant8Chars" column to change the symbol ID, the "GCT" column to change the transformation rule (for instance to "GCT_POLYLINE" to disable a special transformation), or remove the row(s) altogether (ex: delete from LnAExceptions where 1
= delete all rows, but doesn't remove the table).
The files in the messagetypes folder are the configuration files used by the Runtime Message Processor to process messages. You may modify these files to meet your particular needs. For example, you can increase the value of "symbolScaleFactor" to enlarge the symbols on the map.
* [PositionReport.json](./messagetypes/PositionReport.json)
* "symbolScaleFactor" : 1.0 ==> "symbolScaleFactor" : 2.0 (doubles the size)