Commands highlighted in italics are custom keybindings (that is, they do not come by default with said package).
- M-x
- Run whatever command you want as long as you know its name.
- M-n t
- Toggles/hides
- C-S-c C-S-c
- Toggles multiple-cursors. You have to select a few lines first.
- C-;
- Comments or uncomments all lines in the selected region.
- C-x C-S-k
- Kills all buffers except the scratch buffer.
- C-( or <f3>
- Start recording a keyboard macro.
- C-) or <f4>
- End recording a keyboard macro.
- C-x C-k n
- Give a name to the last recorded macro.
- C-x C-k b
- Bind the last recorded macro.
- C-x h
- Marks the whole buffer.
- C-f
- Move the point forward.
- C-b
- Move the point backwards.
- M-f
- Move the point a word forwards.
- M-b
- Move the point a word backwards.
- C-n
- Move the point to the next line.
- C-p :: Move the point to the previous line.+ C-f
- Move the point forward.
- C-x 0
- Delete selected window.
- C-x 4 0
- Delete selected window while killing its buffer.
- C-x 1
- Makes the current window to be the only window.
- C-x 2
- Split selected window in two windows (above/below).
- C-x 3
- Split selected window in two windows (left/right).
- C-x }
- Make selected window wider.
- C-x {
- Make selected window narrower.
- C-x -
- Shrink the window if its buffer doesn’t need as many lines.
- C-x +
- Balance windows (make them the same height/width).
- C-’
- Go to with Avy: input is a single
- C-’
- Go to with Avy: input is two characters.
- M-s a
- Go to with Avy: input is an arbitrary number of characters (waits for 0.5s before searching).
- M-g M-g
- Go to line with Avy: no input / input is line number.
- C-x C-f
- Find a file (or create it if it doesn’t exist).
- Fold/Unfold contents of the document.
- Insert a new headline.
- M-up/down
- Move a headline up or down.
- M-left/right
- Promote or demote a headline.
- S-left/right
- Cycle workflow (nothing -> TODO -> DONE).
- C-c /
- Search for org thingies in the document.
- C-C C-e
- Export options for the current org file (for example LaTeX exporting, etc.)
- C-c C-c
- Compile current .tex
- C-x g
- git status
- M-n/M-p
- Move between sections at the same level
- g
- Refresh the status buffer
- d
- Diff popup