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File metadata and controls

206 lines (144 loc) · 12 KB


pg_tracing extension allows to generate spans from with a PostgreSQL instance, providing informations like:

  • Top Level Query: A span representing the executed query with the query text and parameters used
  • Planner: A span representing the time spent planning the query
  • ExecutorRun: A span representing the execution of the query
  • Nested queries support: Queries executed within another query (like calling a pgsql function) will be represented by its own top level query and subsequent spans
  • Trigger support: Before and After triggers will be represented by their own top level queries

Tracecontext Propagation

SQLcommenter or pg_tracing.trace_context can be used to propagate a trace context to the database. It will have the following format:

/*dddbs='postgres.db',traceparent='00-00000000000000000000000000000009-0000000000000005-01'*/ select 1;

-- SQLCommenter may be added to the end
select 1 /*dddbs='postgres.db',traceparent='00-00000000000000000000000000000009-0000000000000005-01'*/

-- Propagation through trace_context GUC
SET LOCAL pg_tracing.trace_context='traceparent=''00-00000000000000000000000000000005-0000000000000005-01''';
UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance=1 where aid=1;

The traceparent fields are detailed in w3c's trace-context

00000000000000000000000000000009: trace id
0000000000000005: parent id
01: trace flags (01 == sampled)

When a query with a trace context is detected, it is extracted and used by pg_tracing.


Spans will only be generated for sampled queries. A query is sampled if:

  • It has a trace context with the sampled flag enabled and it passes the pg_tracing.caller_sample_rate
  • It has no trace context but the query randomly passes the global pg_tracing.sample_rate

With the default values pg_tracing.caller_sample_rate = 1 and pg_tracing.sample_rate = 0, only queries with a trace context and a sampled flag sampled := 01 will be sampled, effectively offloading sampling decision to the callers.



The spans generated by the module are made available via a view named pg_tracing_consume_spans. This view contains one row for each generated span. The pg_tracing_peek_spans view provides the same output as pg_tracing_consume_spans. pg_tracing_peek_spans doesn't delete read spans.

Column Type Description
traceid char(32) Trace identifier of the span
parent_id char(16) Identifier of the span
queryid bigint Hash code to identify identical normalized queries, 0 if query_id is disabled
span_type text Type of span (Planner, Executor...)
span_operation text Name of the span's operation
span_start timestamp with time zone Start time of the span
span_end timestamp with time zone End time of the span
sql_error_code char(5) Error code of the query. 00000 for a succesful query
userid oid OID of user who executed the statement
dbid oid OID of database in which the statement was executed
pid integer Pid of the backend process that processed the query
subxact_count smallint Active count of backend's subtransaction when the span was created
plan_startup_cost float8 Estimated cost before fetching any tuples by the query planner
plan_total_cost double precision Estimated total cost by the query planner
plan_rows double precision Estimated number of row plan is expected to emit
plan_width integer Estimated row width in bytes by the query planner
rows bigint Number of tuples processed
nloops bigint Number of cycles for this node
shared_blks_hit bigint Total number of shared block cache hits by the node
shared_blks_read bigint Total number of shared blocks read by the node
shared_blks_dirtied bigint Total number of shared blocks dirtied by the node
shared_blks_written bigint Total number of shared blocks written by the node
local_blks_hit bigint Total number of local block cache hits by the node
local_blks_read bigint Total number of local blocks read by the node
local_blks_dirtied bigint Total number of local blocks dirtied by the node
local_blks_written bigint Total number of local blocks written by the node
blk_read_time double precision Time spent reading blocks in milliseconds
blk_write_time double precision Time spent writing blocks in milliseconds
temp_blks_read bigint Total number of temp blocks read by the node
temp_blks_written bigint Total number of temp blocks written by the node
temp_blk_read_time double precision Total time the node spent reading temporary file blocks, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)
temp_blk_write_time double precision Total time the node spent writing temporary file blocks, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)
wal_records bigint Total number of WAL records generated by the node
wal_fpi bigint Total number of WAL full page images generated by the node
wal_bytes numeric Total amount of WAL generated by the node in bytes
jit_functions bigint Total number of functions JIT-compiled by the node
jit_generation_time double precision Total time spent by the node on generating JIT code, in milliseconds
jit_inlining_time double precision Total time spent by the node on inlining functions, in milliseconds
jit_optimization_time double precision Total time spent by the node on optimizing, in milliseconds
startup bigint Time to the first tuple in nanoseconds
parameters text[] Value of the query's parameters
deparse_info text Information extracted from deparsing a plan node



The statistics of the pg_tracing extension itself are tracked and made available through pg_tracing_info. This function will only return a single row.

Column Type Description
processed_traces bigint Total number of traces processed
processed_spans bigint Total number of spans processed
dropped_traces bigint Total number of traces dropped due to exceeding pg_tracing.max_span spans
dropped_spans bigint Total number of spans dropped due to exceeding pg_tracing.max_span spans
otel_sent_spans bigint Total number of spans dropped successfully sent to the otel collector
otel_failures bigint Total number of failures to send spans to the otel collector
last_consume timestamp with time zone Time at which spans were last consumed
stats_reset timestamp with time zone Time at which all statistics in the pg_tracing_info view were last reset


Discards all statistics gathered so far by pg_tracing. Span buffer is not emptied by this function. By default, this function can only be executed by superusers. Access may be granted to others using GRANT.


The pg_tracing_consume_spans and pg_tracing_peek_spans views are defined in terms of a function named pg_tracing_spans. It is possible for clients to call the pg_tracing_spans function directly. By calling pg_tracing_spans with consume false, spans won't be removed from the span buffer. With consume true, read spans will be deleted. By default, this function can only be executed by superusers. Access may be granted to others using GRANT.


pg_tracing.buffer_mode (enum)

Controls span buffer's behaviour when pg_tracing.max_span spans is reached. If keep_on_full, the existing buffer is kept while new spans are dropped. If drop_on_full, the existing buffer is dropped and new spans are added. The default value is keep_on_full.

pg_tracing.caller_sample_rate (real)

Controls the fraction of statements with SQLCommenter tracecontext and an enabled sampled flag that will generate spans. The default value is 1.

pg_tracing.deparse_plan (boolean)

Controls whether the query plan should be deparsed. Deparsing plan allows to add more details in span's name. A BitmapHeapScan node may have Recheck Cond: (a = 1) as deparsing information. The default value is on.

pg_tracing.export_parameters (boolean)

Controls whether the query's parameters should be exported in spans metadata. The default value is on.

pg_tracing.filter_query_ids (string)

Restrict sampling to the provided queryIds. An empty value won't filter any queries. The default value is empty.

pg_tracing.max_parameter_size (integer)

Controls the maximum size of the parameter string. The default value is 1024.

pg_tracing.max_span (integer)

Specifies the maximum number of spans stored by the extension. If more spans are generated, the span buffer will be emptied if pg_tracing.buffer_mode is set to drop_on_full. If pg_tracing.buffer_mode is set to keep_on_full, the new spans will be dropped and tracing will be aborted. The default value is 5000. This parameter can only be set at server start.


A span takes around 370 bytes of memory so 5000 spans will use 1.7MB while 10000 spans will use 3.5MB. You can use the following query to get the exact size used by the pg_tracing's spans:

    (SELECT setting from pg_settings where name='pg_tracing.max_span') AS max_span,
    pg_size_pretty(size) AS total_span_size,
    pg_size_pretty(size/(SELECT setting from pg_settings 
                WHERE name='pg_tracing.max_span')::int)
        AS size_per_span
FROM pg_shmem_allocations
WHERE name ='PgTracing Spans';

pg_tracing.planstate_spans (boolean)

Controls if spans should be generated from the executed query plan. The default value is true.

pg_tracing.sample_rate (real)

Controls the fraction of statements that generate spans. Statements with tracecontext propagated with SQLCommenter and sampled flag enabled are not impacted by this parameter. For traces with nested statements, either all will be explained or none. The default value is 0.

pg_tracing.trace_parallel_workers (boolean)

Controls whether spans should be generated for workers created by parallel queries. The default value is true.

pg_tracing.track (enum)

Controls which statements should be generated. Specify top to only generate spans for top-level statements (those issued directly by clients), all to also generate spans for nested statements (such as statements invoked within functions), or none to disable span generation. The default value is all.

pg_tracing.track_utility (boolean)

Controls whether spans should be generated for utility statements. Utility commands are all those other than SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TABLE, and MERGE. The default value is on.

pg_tracing.sample_rate (real)

Controls the fraction of statements that generate spans. Statements with tracecontext propagated with SQLCommenter and sampled flag enabled are not impacted by this parameter. For traces with nested statements, either all will be explained or none. The default value is 0.

pg_tracing.caller_sample_rate (real)

Controls the fraction of statements with SQLCommenter tracecontext and an enabled sampled flag that will generate spans. The default value is 1.

pg_tracing.otel_endpoint (string)

URL of the otel collector to send spans to. Example: ''. This parameter can only be set at server start. The default value is NULL.

pg_tracing.otel_naptime (integer)

Interval in milliseconds between upload of spans to the otel collector. This parameter can only be set at server start.

pg_tracing.otel_service_name (string)

Service name to set in traces sent to otel collector. This parameter can only be set at server start.

pg_tracing.otel_connect_timeout_ms (integer)

Maximum time in milliseconds to connect to the otel collector. This includes DNS resolution and protocol handshake. This parameter can only be set at server start.