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Xavier F. Gouchet edited this page Sep 4, 2024 · 1 revision

class Builder@JvmOverloadsconstructor(clientToken: String, env: String, variant: String = NO_VARIANT, service: String? = null)

A Builder class for a Configuration.


clientToken your API key of type Client Token
env the environment name that will be sent with each event. This can be used to filter your events on different environments (e.g.: "staging" vs. "production").
variant the variant of your application, which should be the value from your BuildConfig.FLAVOR constant if you have different flavors, empty string otherwise.
service the service name (if set to null, it'll be set to your application's package name, e.g.:




constructor(clientToken: String, env: String, variant: String = NO_VARIANT, service: String? = null)

clientToken your API key of type Client Token
env the environment name that will be sent with each event. This can be used to filter your events on different environments (e.g.: "staging" vs. "production").
variant the variant of your application, which should be the value from your BuildConfig.FLAVOR constant if you have different flavors, empty string otherwise.
service the service name (if set to null, it'll be set to your application's package name, e.g.:



fun build(): Configuration

Builds a Configuration based on the current state of this Builder.


fun setAdditionalConfiguration(additionalConfig: Map<String, Any>): Configuration.Builder

Allows to provide additional configuration values which can be used by the SDK.

additionalConfig Additional configuration values.


fun setBackpressureStrategy(backpressureStrategy: BackPressureStrategy): Configuration.Builder

Sets the strategy to handle scalability issues. Many operations (data processing, event I/O, …) are queued in background threads. This configuration lets one decide how to handle the edge case when the queue starts growing, which can lead to a lot of memory usage, delayed processing, and possibly OOM or ANR.

backpressureStrategy the backpressure strategy (default strategy ignores new tasks if a queue reaches 1024 items)


fun setBatchProcessingLevel(batchProcessingLevel: BatchProcessingLevel): Configuration.Builder

Defines the Batch processing level, defining the maximum number of batches processed sequentially without a delay within one reading/uploading cycle.

batchProcessingLevel the desired batch processing level. By default it's set to BatchProcessingLevel.MEDIUM.
See also


fun setBatchSize(batchSize: BatchSize): Configuration.Builder

Defines the batch size (impacts the size and number of requests performed by Datadog).

batchSize the desired batch size


fun setCrashReportsEnabled(crashReportsEnabled: Boolean): Configuration.Builder

Allows to control if JVM crashes are tracked or not. Default value is true.

crashReportsEnabled whether crashes are tracked and sent to Datadog


fun setEncryption(dataEncryption: Encryption): Configuration.Builder

Allows to set the encryption for the local data. By default no encryption is used for the local data.

dataEncryption An encryption object complying Encryption interface.


fun setFirstPartyHosts(hosts: List<String>): Configuration.Builder

Sets the list of first party hosts. Requests made to a URL with any one of these hosts (or any subdomain) will:

  • be considered a first party resource and categorised as such in your RUM dashboard;
  • be wrapped in a Span and have DataDog trace id injected to get a full flame-graph in APM in case of OkHttp instrumentation usage.
hosts a list of all the hosts that you own.


fun setFirstPartyHostsWithHeaderType(hostsWithHeaderType: Map<String, Set<TracingHeaderType>>): Configuration.Builder

Sets the list of first party hosts and specifies the type of HTTP headers used for distributed tracing. Requests made to a URL with any one of these hosts (or any subdomain) will:

  • be considered a first party resource and categorised as such in your RUM dashboard;
  • be wrapped in a Span and have trace id of the specified types injected to get a full flame-graph in APM. Multiple header types are supported for each host.
hostsWithHeaderType a list of all the hosts that you own and the tracing headers to be used for each host. See DatadogInterceptor


fun setPersistenceStrategyFactory(persistenceStrategyFactory: PersistenceStrategy.Factory?): Configuration.Builder

Allows to use a custom persistence strategy.

persistenceStrategyFactory the persistence strategy to use (or null to use the default one)


fun setProxy(proxy: Proxy, authenticator: Authenticator?): Configuration.Builder

Enables a custom proxy for uploading tracked data to Datadog's intake.

proxy the Proxy configuration
authenticator the optional Authenticator for the proxy


fun setUploadFrequency(uploadFrequency: UploadFrequency): Configuration.Builder

Defines the preferred upload frequency.

uploadFrequency the desired upload frequency policy


fun setUploadSchedulerStrategy(uploadSchedulerStrategy: UploadSchedulerStrategy?): Configuration.Builder

Sets the strategy to schedule data uploads.

uploadSchedulerStrategy the upload scheduler strategy, or null to use the default strategy (default: null)


fun setUseDeveloperModeWhenDebuggable(developerModeEnabled: Boolean): Configuration.Builder

Sets the DataDog SDK to be more verbose when an application is set to debuggable. This is equivalent to setting: setSessionSampleRate(100) setBatchSize(BatchSize.SMALL) setUploadFrequency(UploadFrequency.FREQUENT) Datadog.setVerbosity(Log.VERBOSE) These settings will override your configuration, but only when the application is debuggable

developerModeEnabled Enable or disable extra debug info when an app is debuggable


fun useSite(site: DatadogSite): Configuration.Builder

Let the SDK target your preferred Datadog's site.

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