- What are factions?
- How do I join a faction?
- How do I create a faction?
- How do I claim a sector?
- How do I expand my faction?
- Why would I want to claim a sector?
You might be used to factions servers from other games, such as minecraft or guilds from world of warcraft. In this section we will explain how they work in gridworld.
A faction is a group of players working together. They can be friends, family, or just random people who want to work together. They can be as big or as small as you want. You can have a faction of 1 or 1000.
By working together in a faction you gain the ability to claim chunks of the map. These chunks are called sectors. You can then build your base in these sectors. You can also claim other sectors to expand your base.
To join a faction you need to be invited by a faction leader. You can then accept the invite and join the faction. You can also leave a faction at any time.
To create a faction you first need to leave your current faction. From the lobby server you can then click "new faction" and enter a name for your faction. You will then be the leader by default. From the faction GUI you can then invite additional players to your faction.
To claim a sector you need to be in a faction. You can then click the "claim sector" button in the faction GUI. This will claim the sector you are currently standing in. You can then (relatively) safely build your base in this sector.
A factions power is measured in FP (faction power). You gain FP by producing science. Each science pack produced earns you X amount of faction points.
Having claims on the map costs a set amount of FP every hour. If you run out of FP the claims will expire and other players will be able to build in them.
A sector claimed by your faction doesn't prevent other players from entering it, however, it does prevent other players from building in it. This allows you to protect from turret creeping and other forms of griefing.