constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type
recursively and setting readonly
modifier, meaning they cannot be reassigned
interface Company {
name: string;
employees: { name: string }[];
type DeepReadonlyCompany = DeepReadonly<Company>;
// ^? {readonly name: string; readonly employees: readonly {readonly name: string}[]}
Useful when it's required to expose immutable object
declare const company: DeepReadonlyCompany;
// Cannot assign to 'name' because it is a read-only property = "ts-essentials";
// Cannot assign to 'employees' because it is a read-only property
company.employees = [];
// Cannot assign to 'name' because it is a read-only property
company.employees[0].name = "Kris Kaczor";
Especially handy to use it in deepFreeze
function deepFreeze<Type extends object>(obj: Type): DeepReadonly<Type> {
// Retrieve the property names defined on object
const propNames = Reflect.ownKeys(obj) as (keyof Type)[];
// Freeze properties before freezing self
for (const name of propNames) {
const value = obj[name];
if ((value && typeof value === "object") || typeof value === "function") {
return Object.freeze(obj) as DeepReadonly<Type>;
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