This document contains all the rules and conventions that contributors must follow.
All the content in this document is copyrighted by the following authors:
- Copyright (c) 2024 Lior Shalmay [email protected]
You may copyright your contributed code, under the following rules:
- You must add your name to the "copyright notices" section in
. - You must use the following signature
Copyright (c) <year> <your name> [<your email>]
, see the above copyright also as an example. - If you contributed a new file, you may place the copyright notice at the top of the file.
- If you modify an existing file, add your copyright notice under the previous one, with the
Modified by
designation beforehand.- If there is no previous copyright notice, add your designation somewhere at the top of the file.
- You must not copyright code that is not yours!
You must contribute your code under the MIT license.
You may use 3rd party library in you contribution. but then you must follow these rules:
- You must make sure that the library's license is compatible with MIT license.
- You must document the library and the related copyright notices in
. - You must save a copy of the 3rd party library license in
. - You must document which source files in this project are using the library in
. - You must provide a way to fetch the library code from outside of this project.
- Depending on the license you may need to provide a way to compile this project without the library.