/* !
For a smooth UX:
- a private key should only need to be imported once
- authentication to sign events should persist at least across multiple calls to the cli tool within a single terminal session.
- key material must be encrypted with a salted passphrase when stored on disk.
- the passphase should only be accessable a) by this specific cli tool; or alternatively b) only within the terminal session
Every private key entired into the tool is encrypted with a salted user provided passphrase and stored on disk in the tool's configuration file alongside display_name and public key for identification.
The private key of the current logged-in user is encrypted with a salted randomly generated token and stored on disk in the configuration file alongside the public key for identification. The token is stored in the OS's keyring using a rust crate called 'keyring'. On Linux this expires after a few days whilst on Windows and MacOS it never expires.
Should the token be cycled? cycling the token would prevent an attacker who had access to only the token or the encrypted key from returning after the token had been cycled. This isn't worth it. An attacker is much more likely to have access to both simultainiously.
logout should delete the key encrypted with the token and the token. It should give the option to clear encrypted key material for the current user or all users.
initialize repoisiotr
replaceable event
commit id
search by initial commit / initial 5 commits name
initialising a reposistory
git nostr init > intialise repo
git nostr init - request patches / PRs, issues, features to support -- branch -- patches / PRs -- issues
-- override git push to also push to nostr.
--git-repos - one or more git repositories where the latest commits can be pulled from
git push nostr main