A recommend system based on SpringBoot,Mahout
Files in src/main/python/spiderman are web crawlers, to get summary and pictures for the movies in movieLens.It may cost a few hours for ten thousand movies.It uses a proxy pool from https://github.com/jhao104/proxy_pool.All text data can be found in sql/Dump20180509 and pictures can be found in my cloud disk link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1rcCQtQ7IgDoSyZN4djAP0w password: h09q.
Run files in sql/Dump20180509 to create mysql tables and import data into MySQL.
Run util/ImportMovies util/ImportRatings to import data into mysql tables from .csv
Download mahout 0.13 from http://mahout.apache.org/ and import into project
Solve some dependencies by importing jars https://drive.google.com/open?id=11L6D4xXBCvUIeLsbqjClTms0mF2wIraT Or BaiduNetdisk link:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1RuYB5hOkw03R5lALmrag2w password:kzdi
Look through table structure, compatible data type and some MySql settings suggested by mahout API 0.13.0 http://mahout.apache.org/docs/0.13.0/api/docs/mahout-integration/
Page path: org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.impl.model.jdbc Class MySQLJDBCDataModel