problem 1
you have two versions of a notebook, created in a long forgotten time. Which one is which and how do they differ?
solution 1
make a diff
problem 2
standard diffing between notebooks is quite unpleasing for the eye
standard diffing on *nix systems:
diff 1.ipynb 2.ipynb
solution 2
ignoring all the json mumbo jumbo, all the outputs of the cells, and the metadata.
problem 2
how to do this easily?
solution 3:
diffing using nb-dime
# [optional] setting the correct conda environment
source activate ENVIRONMENT
# nb-dime example
# command line interface
nbdiff -s 1.ipynb 2.ipynb
# Web interface
nbdiff-webb 1.ipynb 2.ipynb
showing a notebook in a terminal
cat 1.ipynb
nbshow -OMD 1.ipynb
comparison from jupyter
nb-dime notebook extension