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Deploy Azure SQL Database using Azure Bicep


Deploys Azure SQL Database(s)


  • [optional] Customer-Managed Key for Transparent Data Encryption support
    • Key Vault integration
      • Only SQL Server managed identity has access to Key Vault
      • Only Azure Trusted Services are allowed to connect to Key Vault
  • Azure Defender Vulnerability Assessment reports
  • Secure Storage Account
    • Only SQL Server and Azure Trusted Services can connect
  • Create database(s)
    • Specify the name, short term backup policy, size of database, etc. as an object array in the main.parameters.json file


  • Bicep - Read through the Bicep tutorial to setup your environment.
  • An existing Virtual Network with an empty subnet (/27 or larger)
  • RBAC roles needed, any combination of the following:
    • Owner
    • User Access Administrator
      • Granting SQL Server Managed Identity access to the storage account for storing Azure Defender Vulnerability Assessment reports
    • Contributor (Not needed if Owner is already assigned)
      • Deployment of all Azure resources:
        • SQL Server and Database(s)
        • Storage Account
        • Key Vault
    • SQL Server Contributor (Not needed if Owner or Contributor roles are assigned)
  • Azure AD roles needed for Azure AD Authentication:
    • The SQL Server Managed Identity will need the Directory Readers role in order to enable Azure AD integration.

PowerShell Deployment

The steps outlined assumes the deployment is occurring from a workstation configured with Bicep and PowerShell. Other deployment options include Azure CloudShell via CLI or PowerShell which are not covered below. Update the parameters file before deploying.

Example 1: Deploy to Azure Commercial

PS C:\repos\ARM\SQLMI> .\deployBicep.ps1

Example 2: Deploy to Azure Government with a specific parameters file

PS C:\repos\ARM\SQLMI> .\deployBicep.ps1 -AzureEnvironment AzureUSGovernment -TemplateParameterFile .\

Example 3: Deploy to Azure Government with a specific parameters file and Azure AD tenant. The use of the TenantId would be in situations where you are a guest user in the tenant the subscription is associated with.

PS C:\repos\ARM\SQLMI> .\deployBicep.ps1 -AzureEnvironment AzureUSGovernment -TemplateParameterFile .\ -TenantId "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"


Review the following parameters in main.parameters.json before deployment:

Parameters Values (description)
sqlName Name of SQL Server
sqlAdminLogin SQL Server Admin name
setAADAdmins Set Azure AD Administrators
azureADOnlyAuthentication true, false
Azure Active Directory only Authentication enabled
principalType Application, Group, or User
Principal Type of the sever administrator
login Login name of the server administrator
sid SID (object ID) of the server administrator
tenantId Tenant ID of the administrator
publicNetworkAccess Disabled, Enabled
Whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for this server
sqlKeyVaultSkuName Standard, Premium
sqlTDECustomerManagedKey true = Customer Managed Key
false = Service Managed Key
sqlVulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScans true, false
Enable or disable Azure Security Center (ASC) SQL Vulnerability Assessment Scans
sqlVulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansEmailSubAdmins true, false
Email reports to admins
sqlVulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansEmails Array of email addresses to receive ASC reports
clientIPcidr Client IP address (CIDR format) to allow access to storage account vulnerability reports
sqlDBTags Object of TagName: TagValue
sqlDatabases - (Array of Object array(s)) Field Value (description)
name database name
licenseType BasePrice or LicenseIncluded
sampleName AdventureWorksLT, "" (null string)
dbShortTermRetentionDays The backup retention period in days
dbDiffBackupIntervalInHours 12, 24 (The differential backup interval in hours)
skuName refer to ServiceObjectiveName column
skuTier refer to Edition column
skuFamily refer to Family column
skuCapacity refer to Capacity column


The SQL Server Admin Password is automatically generated and not saved anywhere. You'll need to manually update it in order to log into SQL Server with the admin account.