Deploys Azure SQL Database(s)
- [optional] Customer-Managed Key for Transparent Data Encryption support
- Key Vault integration
- Only SQL Server managed identity has access to Key Vault
- Only Azure Trusted Services are allowed to connect to Key Vault
- Key Vault integration
- Azure Defender Vulnerability Assessment reports
- Secure Storage Account
- Only SQL Server and Azure Trusted Services can connect
- Create database(s)
- Specify the name, short term backup policy, size of database, etc. as an object array in the main.parameters.json file
- Bicep - Read through the Bicep tutorial to setup your environment.
- An existing Virtual Network with an empty subnet (/27 or larger)
- RBAC roles needed, any combination of the following:
- Owner
- User Access Administrator
- Granting SQL Server Managed Identity access to the storage account for storing Azure Defender Vulnerability Assessment reports
- Contributor (Not needed if Owner is already assigned)
- Deployment of all Azure resources:
- SQL Server and Database(s)
- Storage Account
- Key Vault
- Deployment of all Azure resources:
- SQL Server Contributor (Not needed if Owner or Contributor roles are assigned)
- Azure AD roles needed for Azure AD Authentication:
- The SQL Server Managed Identity will need the Directory Readers role in order to enable Azure AD integration.
The steps outlined assumes the deployment is occurring from a workstation configured with Bicep and PowerShell. Other deployment options include Azure CloudShell via CLI or PowerShell which are not covered below. Update the parameters file before deploying.
Example 1: Deploy to Azure Commercial
PS C:\repos\ARM\SQLMI> .\deployBicep.ps1
Example 2: Deploy to Azure Government with a specific parameters file
PS C:\repos\ARM\SQLMI> .\deployBicep.ps1 -AzureEnvironment AzureUSGovernment -TemplateParameterFile .\
Example 3: Deploy to Azure Government with a specific parameters file and Azure AD tenant. The use of the TenantId would be in situations where you are a guest user in the tenant the subscription is associated with.
PS C:\repos\ARM\SQLMI> .\deployBicep.ps1 -AzureEnvironment AzureUSGovernment -TemplateParameterFile .\ -TenantId "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Review the following parameters in main.parameters.json before deployment:
Parameters | Values (description) |
sqlName | Name of SQL Server |
sqlAdminLogin | SQL Server Admin name |
setAADAdmins | Set Azure AD Administrators |
azureADOnlyAuthentication | true, false Azure Active Directory only Authentication enabled |
principalType | Application, Group, or User Principal Type of the sever administrator |
login | Login name of the server administrator |
sid | SID (object ID) of the server administrator |
tenantId | Tenant ID of the administrator |
publicNetworkAccess | Disabled, Enabled Whether or not public endpoint access is allowed for this server |
sqlKeyVaultSkuName | Standard, Premium |
sqlTDECustomerManagedKey | true = Customer Managed Key false = Service Managed Key |
sqlVulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScans | true, false Enable or disable Azure Security Center (ASC) SQL Vulnerability Assessment Scans |
sqlVulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansEmailSubAdmins | true, false Email reports to admins |
sqlVulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansEmails | Array of email addresses to receive ASC reports |
clientIPcidr | Client IP address (CIDR format) to allow access to storage account vulnerability reports (example: |
sqlDBTags | Object of TagName: TagValue |
sqlDatabases - (Array of Object array(s)) | Field | Value (description) |
name | database name | |
licenseType | BasePrice or LicenseIncluded | |
sampleName | AdventureWorksLT, "" (null string) | |
dbShortTermRetentionDays | The backup retention period in days | |
dbDiffBackupIntervalInHours | 12, 24 (The differential backup interval in hours) | |
skuName | refer to ServiceObjectiveName column | |
skuTier | refer to Edition column | |
skuFamily | refer to Family column | |
skuCapacity | refer to Capacity column |
The SQL Server Admin Password is automatically generated and not saved anywhere. You'll need to manually update it in order to log into SQL Server with the admin account.