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Deploy SQL MI into an existing Azure Virtual Network using Azure Bicep


There are situations where AppDevOps teams will need to deploy resources into an existing virtual network infrastructure. This deployment covers such a situation and assumes the virtual network/subnet already exists. What isn't assumed is an existing NSG or UDR already assigned to the subnet. If either a NSG or UDR are not already assigned, the deployment user will need to have at a minimum, Network Contributor rights. SQL MI requires a NSG, UDR, and Microsoft.SQL/ManagedInstance delegation on the subnet before it can deploy successfully.

This deployment checks for those network requirements before starting the deployment of SQL Managed Instance.


  • [optional] Customer-Managed Key for Transparent Data Encryption support
    • Key Vault integration
      • Only SQL MI managed identity has access to Key Vault
      • Only Azure Trusted Services are allowed to connect to Key Vault
  • Azure Defender Vulnerability Assessment reports
    • Specify which email addresses receives an email
  • Secure Storage Account
    • Only SQL MI subnet and Azure Trusted Services can connect
  • Create many databases by specifying their names as an array parameter in the main.parameters.json file


  • Bicep - Read through the Bicep tutorial to setup your environment.
  • An existing Virtual Network with an empty subnet (/27 or larger)
  • RBAC roles needed, any combination of the following:
    • Owner
    • User Access Administrator
      • Granting SQL MI Managed Identity access to the storage account for storing Azure Defender Vulnerability Assessment reports
    • Contributor (Not needed if Owner is already assigned)
      • Deployment of all Azure resources:
        • Network Security Group (NSG)
        • Route Table (UDR)
        • SQL Managed Instance
        • Storage Account
        • Key Vault
    • Network Contributor or SQL Managed Instance Contributor (Not needed if Owner or Contributor roles are assigned)
      • Updating virtual network/subnet delegation to SQLMI
      • Creating NSG and/or UDR if one doesn't already exists on subnet
  • Azure AD roles needed for Azure AD Authentication:
    • The SQL MI Managed Identity will need the Directory Readers role in order to enable Azure AD integration.

PowerShell Deployment

The steps outlined assumes the deployment is occurring from a workstation configured with Bicep and PowerShell. Other deployment options include Azure CloudShell via CLI or PowerShell which are not covered below. Update the parameters file before deploying.

Example 1: Deploy to Azure Commercial

PS C:\repos\ARM\SQLMI> .\deployBicep.ps1

Example 2: Deploy to Azure Government with a specific parameters file

PS C:\repos\ARM\SQLMI> .\deployBicep.ps1 -AzureEnvironment AzureUSGovernment -TemplateParameterFile .\

Example 3: Deploy to Azure Government with a specific parameters file and Azure AD tenant. The use of the TenantId would be in situations where you are a guest user in the tenant the subscription is associated with.

PS C:\repos\ARM\SQLMI> .\deployBicep.ps1 -AzureEnvironment AzureUSGovernment -TemplateParameterFile .\ -TenantId "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"


Review the following parameters in main.parameters.json before deployment:

Parameters Values (description)
sqlManagedInstanceName Name of SQL MI
sqlManagedInstanceSkuEdition GeneralPurpose, BusinessCritical
sqlManagedInstanceSkuName GP_Gen5, BC_Gen5
vnetName Name of the SQL MI Virtual Network
vnetResourceGroupName SQL MI Virtual Network Resource Group Name
managedInstanceSubnetName SQL MI Subnet name
sqlManagedInstanceAdminLogin SQL MI Admin name
sqlManagedInstanceStorageSizeInGB Minimum value: 32
Maximum value: 8192. Increments of 32 GB allowed only
sqlManagedInstanceStorageAccountType LRS, ZRS, GRS
sqlManagedInstancevCores 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 64, 80
sqlManagedInstanceLicenseType BasePrice (BYOL), LicenceIncluded
sqlManagedInstanceProxyOverride Proxy, Redirect, Default
sqlManagedInstanceTimeZoneId Id of the timezone. Allowed values are timezones supported by Windows. List of Ids can also be obtained by executing [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones() in PowerShell.
sqlmiKeyVaultSkuName Standard, Premium
sqlmiTDECustomerManagedKey true = Customer Managed Key
false = Service Managed Key
sqlManagedInstanceEnableAADAuthentication true, false
Enable Azure AD Authentication?
sqlManagedInstanceAdministratorAADLogin AAD Login name of the server administrator
sqlManagedInstanceAdministratorAADSID SID (object ID) of the server administrator
sqlManagedInstanceAdministratorAADTenantID Tenant ID of the administrator
dbRetentionDays Specify how long you want to keep your point-in-time backups. Default value is 7 days
sqlManagedInstanceAADonlyAuthentication true, false
Set Azure Active Directory only Authentication
sqlmiVulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScans true, false
Enable or disable Azure Security Center (ASC) SQL Vulnerability Assessment Scans
sqlmiVulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansEmailSubAdmins true, false
Email reports to admins
sqlmiVulnerabilityAssessmentRecurringScansEmails Array of email addresses to receive ASC reports
clientIPcidr Client IP address (CIDR format) to allow access to storage account vulnerability reports
sqlMIDatabaseNames Array of database names


Deployment of first SQL MI in the subnet might take up to six hours, while subsequent deployments take up to 1.5 hours. This is because a virtual cluster that hosts the instances needs time to deploy or resize the virtual cluster. For more details visit Overview of Azure SQL Managed Instance management operations
Each virtual cluster is associated with a subnet and deployed together with first instance creation. In the same way, a virtual cluster is automatically removed together with last instance deletion leaving the subnet empty and ready for removal.
The SQL MI Admin Password is automatically generated and not saved anywhere. You'll need to manually update it in order to log into SQL MI with the admin account.

Known Issues

  • Azure AD Authentication Integration
    • This deployment supports setting Azure AD Authentication and Azure AD Authentication Only, if the person running this deployment is assigned the Global Admin or Privileged Role Administrator role.
    • For all other roles, a Global Admin or Privileged Role Administrator can create an Azure AD group and assign the Directory Readers permission to the group. Read Directory Readers role in Azure Active Directory for Azure SQL for more information.
    • An alternate solution is for a Global Admin or Privileged Role Administrator run this script to grant your SQL Managed Instance Azure AD read permission:
# Gives Azure Active Directory read permission to a Service Principal (System Managed Identity) representing the SQL Managed Instance.
# Can be executed only by a "Global Administrator" or "Privileged Role Administrator" type of user.


$managedInstanceName = "MyManagedInstance"
# Get Azure AD role "Directory Users" and create if it doesn't exist
$roleName = "Directory Readers"
$role = Get-AzureADDirectoryRole | Where-Object {$_.displayName -eq $roleName}
if ($role -eq $null) {
    # Instantiate an instance of the role template
    $roleTemplate = Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleTemplate | Where-Object {$_.displayName -eq $roleName}
    Enable-AzureADDirectoryRole -RoleTemplateId $roleTemplate.ObjectId
    $role = Get-AzureADDirectoryRole | Where-Object {$_.displayName -eq $roleName}

# Get service principal for your SQL Managed Instance
$roleMember = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString $managedInstanceName
if ($roleMember -eq $null) {
    Write-Output "Error: No Service Principals with name '$    ($managedInstanceName)', make sure that managedInstanceName parameter was     entered correctly."
if (-not ($roleMember.Count -eq 1)) {
    Write-Output "Error: More than one service principal with name pattern '$    ($managedInstanceName)'"
    Write-Output "Dumping selected service principals...."

# Check if service principal is already member of readers role
$allDirReaders = Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember -ObjectId $role.ObjectId
$selDirReader = $allDirReaders | where{$_.ObjectId -match     $roleMember.ObjectId}

if ($selDirReader -eq $null) {
    # Add principal to readers role
    Write-Output "Adding service principal '$($managedInstanceName)' to     'Directory Readers' role'..."
    Add-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember -ObjectId $role.ObjectId -RefObjectId     $roleMember.ObjectId
    Write-Output "'$($managedInstanceName)' service principal added to     'Directory Readers' role'..."

    #Write-Output "Dumping service principal '$($managedInstanceName)':"
    #$allDirReaders = Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember -ObjectId $role.ObjectId
    #$allDirReaders | where{$_.ObjectId -match $roleMember.ObjectId}
else {
    Write-Output "Service principal '$($managedInstanceName)' is already     member of 'Directory Readers' role'."