Dropdown replacement for the feedback view controller functionality which was cuted from TestFlight SDK since version 2.0
Version 1.0.0 is for iOS 6, version 2.0. is for iOS 7.*
pod 'TestFlightFeedback'
or import everything from folder named Core
#import <TestFlight.h>
#import <TestFlight+OpenFeedback.h>
Just as before use
[TestFlight openFeedbackView];
no need to change any of your code
Open Feedback modally
[TestFlight openFeedbackView];
can be called from anywhere in your code
Open Feedback on shake device - every time user shakes device, feedback view opens
can be turned on/off this way
[TestFlight of_enableOpenFeedbackOnShake]; // on
[TestFlight of_disableOpenFeedbackOnShake]; // off
Display Application Version and Application Build from General project settings in the title of the toolbar of the feedback view.