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Decoration related functions

9thCore edited this page Sep 24, 2022 · 3 revisions

The functions on this page are available by loading the decoration.lua extension. It is loaded by default.


Returns the decoration at index index in the form of an object with functions to modify values of it.


mycooldeco = level:getdecoration(0) -- Get the first decoration in the level.
-- Now you can do stuff with it, such as
mycooldeco:movex(1, 75, 1, 'Linear')
-- to move it.
-- The function used above will be explained later.

level:newdecoration(filename, depth, roomidx, customname)

Creates a new decoration object with the filename filename, at depth depth, on the room roomidx.
If filename has an extension (ex. 'box.png') it will just use that image. Otherwise, it will use the spritesheet with this name (ex. if filename is 'letters', the decoration will use the json 'letters.json' and the sheet 'letters.png').
The higher depth is, the farther back it is. You can go into negatives, but you cannot go above the foreground or below the background.
If custonname is given, that will be the decoration's id. Otherwise, sets its id to deco_[id], where [id] is the index of the decoration.


mycooldeco = level:newdecoration('circle.png', 10, 0, 'boxDeco')


Sets whether the decoration is visible at the start.



decoration:setroom(beat, room)

Moves the decoration into room room at beat beat. Note that room is 0-indexed.


mycooldeco:setroom(2, 1)

decoration:movex(beat, x, duration, ease)

Moves the decoration to x% on the x axis at beat beat with a duration duration and ease ease.


mycooldeco:movex(4, 75, 1, 'OutExpo') -- at beat 4, move mycooldeco's x position to 75% with a duration of 1 beat and OutExpo ease

decoration:movey(beat, y, duration, ease)

Moves the decoration to y% on the y axis at beat beat with a duration duration and ease ease.


mycooldeco:movey(6, 30, 0, 'OutQuad') -- at beat 6, move mycooldeco's y position to 30% with a duration of 0 beats and OutQuad ease

decoration:movesx(beat, x, duration, ease)

Scales the decoration on the x axis to x% with a duration duration and ease ease.


mycooldeco:movesx(8, 200, 1, 'InQuint') -- at beat 8, set mycooldeco's horizontal size to 200% with a duration of 1 beat and InQuint ease.

decoration:movesy(beat, y, duration, ease)

Scales the decoration on the y axis to y% with a duration duration and ease ease.


mycooldeco:movesy(6, 150, 1, 'InQuint') -- at beat 6, set mycooldeco's vertical size to 150% with a duration of 1 beat and InQuint ease.

decoration:rotate(beat, rot, duration, ease)

Rotates the decoration to rot degrees with a duration duration and ease ease.


mycooldeco:rotate(3, 90, 0.5, 'OutSine') -- at beat 3, rotate mycooldeco to 90 degrees with a duration of 0.5 beats and OutSine ease.

decoration:movepx(beat, x, duration, ease)

Moves the decoration's pivot to x% on the x axis at beat beat with a duration duration and ease ease.


mycooldeco:movepx(4, 75, 1, 'OutExpo') -- at beat 4, move mycooldeco's x pivot to 75% with a duration of 1 beat and OutExpo ease

decoration:movepy(beat, y, duration, ease)

Moves the decoration's pivot to y% on the y axis at beat beat with a duration duration and ease ease.


mycooldeco:movepx(4, 75, 1, 'OutExpo') -- at beat 4, move mycooldeco's y pivot to 75% with a duration of 1 beat and OutExpo ease

decoration:move(beat, p, duration, ease)

A helper function to make creating multiple movements at once easier. p is a key-value table where the key is what function to call and the value is the parameter.


mycooldeco:move(2, {     -- at beat 2,
    x = 40,         -- move the decoration to 40% on the x axis,
    sy = 0.5,       -- scale the decoration to half its size on the y axis,
    rotate = 90,        -- rotate the decoration by 90 degrees, (you can also use rot!)
}, 1, 'Linear')         -- with a duration of 1 beat and Linear ease.


Shows the decoration at beat beat.




Hides the decoration at beat beat.



decoration:playexpression(beat, expression)

Plays the expression expression at beat beat.


mycooldeco:playexpression(2, 'happy') -- play the happy expression at beat 2

decoration:setborder(beat, bordertype, color, opacity, duration, ease)

Sets the decoration's border to bordertype, with the color color, opacity opacity at beat beat with a duration duration and ease ease. bordertype should be None, Outline or Glow.


mycooldeco:setborder(2, 'Glow', 'FF0000', 100, 1, 'OutExpo') -- at beat 2, sets mycooldeco's border to Glow, with a color of FF0000 (red), opacity of 100 (fully opaque) with a duration of 1 beat and OutExpo ease.

decoration:settint(beat, showtint, color, opacity, duration, ease)

If showtint is true, sets the decoration's tint to color with opacity% opacity, with a duration duration and ease ease. If false, removes the tint from the decoration.


mycooldeco:settint(4, true, '0000FF', 50, 1, 'OutExpo') -- at beat 4, sets mycooldeco's tint to 0000FF (blue), opacity of 50 with a duration of 1 beat and OutExpo ease.

decoration:setopacity(beat, opacity, duration, ease)

Sets the decoration's opacity to opacity at beat beat with a duration duration and ease ease.


mycooldeco:setopacity(6, 50, 1, 'InQuint') -- at beat 6, set mycooldeco's opacity to 50% with a duration of 1 beat and InQuint ease.
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